The replacement of the Lunar Years to the Solar Years in the second AssemblyAbout eighty years ago, at the second round of the parliament law making, they put in practice one stage of it, and it was not but changing the lunar to solar year which would be carried out only in the Government Administrations. They made the legislation without changing the solar years, and without altering or replacing the lunar months, it was just from the beginning of the Messenger of Allah’s, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, Migration from Mecca to Medina.[70] The names of the months remained the same and the circulation of the solar months was also twelve. That is, from the beginning of the year, it counted as: ‘Hamal, Thour, Jo’za, Saratan, Asad, Sonbola, Mizan, Aghrab,Ghaus, Jadi, Dalve and Hout.’ And considering the necessity of the change, the Parliament did it according to the financial, that is, the solar year is beneficial for the Government, because the solar year is more eleven days longer than the lunar year; so paying the salaries of the employers according to the solar months was in the Government’s benefit. For example, if on the basis of the solar years the Government was spending twenty-four millions a year, then if he wanted to pay the same money according to the lunar years, he had to spend two millions more in the course of three years; because in every three-years one month would be added to the year and the Government would lose two millions in that period of time. [71] And also when they established Customs in Iran, they had in mind to run it according to the solar year. They questioned the people to know what the date was according to the solar year. It was not clear, so they said so far as they knew, there were a Hamal and Thaur in the calendar of the astrologists, so the Belgian accepted it and acted upon it. Now matter how much I think and calculate how the lunar months and the years go along the solar months and the years, still I cannot make it. Because the case is so simple that for putting a Customs Tariff in the solar year, they change the history and calendar of a country! And they change all the customs, traditions, the working hours of the offices, and the formalities of all the offices: the justice department, educational centers and so many others, only to suit with their calculation! So what is the meaning of this assumption?! What is book and document they put in practice?! However, the lunar months which, as they say, cause losses to the Government’s expenditures are so little that one feel ashamed to speak about. By the way who belies it that the Government collects the taxes and receives is benefits according to the lunar months but paying it back to the people according to the solar months! If a Government receives the annual incomes according to the solar months, he must it back in line with the solar months; if he receives by the lunar months he must also pay back in the same way – both cases are the same and neither the government nor the people lose anything. If the budget of a country is twenty-four millions in the solar year, and if they want to pay the employers on the basis of lunar year, then the sum of twenty-four is not the same, it is naturally lesser, so what loss it brings to budget if they receive and pay by the lunar months? Whether fixing the budget, the income and expenditure, is according to the lunar months or the solar ones are in the disposal of the government – the balance is secured and not a single penny is cast to oblivion. Now, suppose that you invite ten gusts, do you put one plate of food in front of each? So what! If you invite twenty guests, should you put in front of them twenty plates of food? That is right, you put the plates according to the counts of the guests and each of them eats his own share. Yes, if you invite twenty guests but serve them with ten portions of food, none of them have enough food, that is, they are not satisfied! You are not obliged inviting twenty guests but serving them with the food of ten people. You should invite twenty and serve them with the food of twenty persons, or invite ten and feed them with the food of ten. In that case, you as the host, as well your guests will be pleased. Anyhow, all these changes are the excuses they make, what they want to do is to take Muharram, Safar, Ramadhan and Dhil-Hijja away, they want to take the first step in demolishing the religion so that to pave the road for the next steps. The Second round of the Parliament took away the lunar months and year and replaced Mohar‘ram and Safar with Hamal, Thour and Jo’za. And to the question of the intellects and learned asking them: Are you taking away the rites of Islam?’ Are you replacing Mohar‘ram and Safar with the none-Islamic titles? They answered: We have nothing to do with your Mohar‘ram and Safar! You can keep those two months sacred and do what you want to! And you can go on the Hajj pilgrimage in the month of Dhil-Hijja! You are free, and we never interfere in your ideas. In these definite months you are absolutely free to do what you want to. These months belong to you! We just change the lunar months and year into the solar months and year for the sake of official activities of the country so that to bring it in the same level of the other countries – it does not damage your rites and business! If we ordered you to go on the Hajj pilgrimage in the month of Sartan, or fast in the month of Hamal then you can object us! No one would say to them: it makes no difference whether worshipping or the politics affairs in Islam, the Government establishments are not separated from the religious affairs, the ministries are doing their business under the direct control of the religious rules and laws; they are at the service of Hajj, fasting in Ramadan, mourning in Mohar‘ram for the Master of the Martyrs, Upon Him be Peace, the Government and the people are a single unite and there is no difference between these two sections! Changing the lunar year and month into the solar year and month means creating a gap between the people and government! It causes the Islam to lose its value and to be isolated in the society. In fact, it is a way of wiping out the Islam and bringing the alien culture to the country! Anyhow, this was the beginning of the change and it went on for twenty years in our society, and it was the second stage to be carried out. Everything was already prepared and the enemies of the Islam were expecting for a good occasion to put their ideas into practice. Altering the Solar Years into the ancient in the fifth assemblyIt was the fifth round of the national Parliament, in the forty-third assembly which took place on Tuesday, the 27 of Hout, 1303 of the solar year, equal to the 21st of Sha’ban, 1342 lunar year, they replaced the solar date which was based on the Arabic names with the date of the ancient solar date. No matter how much they debated and lectured in the parliament to stop their action but it did not effect. Among those who objected their plan was Shariatmar Damghani who had his documentary objection as: the solar months which were assigned on the circulation of the sun were much better than the invented ancient months which did not suit with any laws and rules. The origin of this proposal was by Arbab Keikhosro Shahrokh,[72] a severe anti-Islamic Zoroastrian who was the member of the Iranian Freemason. He was manipulated and encouraged by Sayyid Hassan Taghi Zadeh,[73] a especial agent of the alien, and one of the chiefs of Iranian branch of Freemason. Sayyid Muhammad Taday‘yon [74] as it is seen what he stated at that assembly, had great deal of share in that motivation. The proposal was to impose two changes in the official solar date in the country, the first was: changing the Arabic names of the months from Hamal, Thour and Jouza into the names of the ancient Iranian months, such as: Farvardin, Ordibehesht, Khordad, Tir, Amordan, Shahrivar, Mehr, Aban, Azar, Dey, Bahman and Esfand.[75] The second was the numbers of the days in a month, to assign each month of the first six months of the year 31 days, and five months 30 days each one, and then the last month of the year to be 29 days. This becomes 365 days altogether. And with small remaining time, to make the last month 30 days in every four-years and then consider that year to be 366 days. They said that system was copied of the date and calendar of Sultan Malikshah Saljoghi, and as he considered that the solar years in counts and the lack of correctly calculating had fell behind, for adjusting it, referring to Hakim Omar Khayyam and the other astrologists adjusted the solar months in that way. That was: all the months were 30 days each and a year counted 360 days, but making a year, as it is, with the right numbers of the days, adding five days to the month of Aban or Esfand, and then calling it ‘Khamsa Mostarragha’. It was that before Islam, the Zoroastrian did not consider the first five days of the year to be part of the year, and they freely went on doing charitable things. And by adding these five days, a year would become 365 days, and then a pear would be considered as the Leap Year, and they counted it as 366 days. And again for exacting the time and date, in every thirty-five years they had another Leap in the fifth year. That is after the year 29, 30 and 31, that they might take the year thirty-two as the Leap, they dropped it one year behind and took the year 33 as the Leap year.[76] Basing on this theory, in six thousand years’ time, the solar year fell behind only one day. Sultan Malikshah Saljoghi adjusted this time and date and also assigned the beginning of the year as his start of his own coronation. He ignored the Hijri date, and wanted to customize it. However, because of changing the Hijri date and setting his coronation in the beginning of the year, people did not accept it; his innovating date did not run in Iran, though it matched with the correct time. Now, if we consider thirty-one days each of the first six months of the year and then thirty days the second six months, except the last month twenty-nine days, and have one Leap year in every four years, and then consider the second Leap in the next thirty-three years, there will be no changes in the number of the days. The year will not fall behind, that is, the containing will be according to the calendar of Malik-Shah, there will be no differences in the number of the days – so it is not so complicated matter. In short, the counts of the days in solar years are important, and it must be 365 days, but what does it differ in the solar months, whether the days of the months are thirty, or more or less, the important thing is the number of the days. We call the first month of the spring as ‘Farvardin’, however they said ‘changing the name of the months is not important. Is the only a change in the name and does not harm anything. In this way, they took the Arabic words away and put the ancient names instead. And then, calling it ‘Revive of the national customs’; their excuse was that, ‘Every nation must know and respect his customs’. They went further saying that: ‘Islam has also invited us to the national customs!’ When they were said: your main aim is only Mohar‘ram and Safar, they answered: we do not mean that, we have nothing to do with the legislation; we want only to take the Arabic words and then replace them with the beautiful words of the ancient – above all, we are not going to be more Catholic than the Pope! Nowadays, in Iraq and some of the other Arab countries, they put the names Teshrin, Kanoon and Shobat on their months, and we cannot remember any Arab to use the names of: Hamal, Jouza and Sonbola. It was here that the respectable Late Sayyid Hassan Modarres said: they use the names of Mohar‘ram and Safar in all Islamic countries, but they answered: we have nothing to do with the Mohar‘ram and Safar, they are for the nations for their religious affairs, what we say is for the official use but not the religious side. And we are even to change the names of the months of this official solar calendar that we have had for years, and it does not harm anything, it has nothing to do with the Mohar‘ram and Safar – they are safe and sound in their places. We want just to replace the names of Hamal and Jouza with the Ordibehesht and Farvardin, and this is something from the past. One of the opposed member of the parliament said: ‘If you want only to change the words, do it, but choose some modern names that one of the present astrologists has innovated and that is much better than those the ancient ones. Sayyid Jalal-ad-Din Tehrani has made a new3 calendar and has put the solar months in order as: Chan-ara, Gol-avar, Jan-parvar, Garma-Khiz, Atesh-biz, Jahan-bakhsh, Dezham-khoi, Baran-riz, Andohgin, Sarmadeh, Barf-Avar and the Meshkin-fam. [77] These names are more beautiful and in the mean time, more meaningful than those that Arbab Keikhosrow has drawn out of the ancient books. Chaman-Ara is much better than Farvardin which is interpreted as: (the equality of the souls). And Gol-Avar is also better than Ordibehesht which is translated as: (the perfect order and the Holiest). Anyhow, they insisted in their words that it was the revive of the ancient customs; they said the words Farvardin and Ordiehesht were better; even relating to word Mordad, they said Amordad was better than Mordad, it must begin with the ‘A’ as it was the same as that which they used in the old days.[78] Therefore, no matter how much the opposed members of the parliament said: we must consider this subject more, but now we have more important things to do than going on changing the dates an the calendars, and let not to waist the time of the parliament, was not accepted, and they carried on their demand and took the agreements of their backers. In that assembly, they really beguiled the opposed members of the parliament and said: the ancient words are only to save our nationality; they did not explain that the words were from Avesta, and there were six of the names of deputy-angels of Ormuzd among the names of the months. They included: Ordibehesht, Khordan, Amordad, Shahrivar, Bahman and Esfand. Most of the opposed members were watching them as the giddy goats, to their suggestion that: ‘do not oppose the customs of a nation’, the opposed ones did not even know what to say or what to do. However, the importunate continued: this is the nationality of Ormuzd but Islam has ruined it, Islam has over dominated it and its angels. In the Islamic country and Muhammad’s religion and the Holy Qur’an being official, what is means putting the names of the months after Zoroaster! This is the manifest way of putting the Islam aside. It is not the question of choosing beautiful names of the months, but it is their devilish attaching the territory of Islam. What! Are you changing the names of the months after the angels of the Zoroastrian creed!? And then, in fright, you call the beginning of the year the same date of the Messenger’s Immigration! You will also change it the next day! You will name it after the date of Ackæmenian, or by the beginning year of Korus hot Daryush? Or the beginning of the year of Pahlavi, like Sultan Saljoghi, as the modern innovator and the modern society pioneer! In that assembly, the only one who partially defended the subject was the Late Shariatmar Damghani who said: changing the names of the months has no use, and it is against the religion and the Islamic law, and even if the words: Hamal, Thour and Jouza are not beautiful, they are better than the meaningless names of Farvardin and Ordibehesht. However, he did not reveal it that the replacement was an introduction to present the creed of the Zoroaster and to put it in practice in the Islamic country of Muhammad. Therefore, that which we explained here, and we mentioned it separately in the appendix, perhaps he did not know the trick and had not enough knowledge of the great change. It was because they kept their idea secret, and they only mentioned that they were going just to change the names. They said: ‘It is only the change of the names and it is very simple thing to do. On 27th of Esfand (Sha’ban 21th 1342) about three days before the New Year, they hurriedly took a vote in the Parliament[79] and changed the historical date;[80] and then, after a few formalities, ont 11th of Farvardin, 1304 they confirmed it. And Mo‘tamen- al-Molk 9Pir Neia), who was the chief in the Parliament, announced it officially as the laws of the government and made it necessary to be carried out in the government offices. As the gift of the New Year, they brought those beautiful names for the people and let them accept that poisonous law in disguise. They did it in a way that even now most people are unaware what trick they carried out – without understanding what they say, they use the ancient names instead of the main religious names. For the circulation of the names of Farvardin and Ordibehesht in the government offices, the schools, calendars and all announcements, everyone, almost everyone who did not know what those names meant, got used to it, began applying those names in their daily task. The name gradually found their ways from the government offices and schools into the houses by the calendars they put in circulation; the names became the daily use for the people alike their reciting the verse of ‘Say, He is Allah, the Unique!’ And then naturally the respectable names of Mohar‘ram, Safar, Rabi‘ Awwal, Jomadi ath‘thani and Dhul-Gha‘da and the rest disappeared. No one was aware of the beginning and the ending of those months, not did they put them in affect in their daily activities: celebrations, festivals or mourning. The exception was Mohar‘ram for the mourning, and the month of Ramadan for fasting. Most people who wanted to fast in Ramadan, said: For example, this year we must fast from the 15th of Farvadin up to the 14th of Esfand. It was the same for the youths away from the country; they adjust their religious rites according to the names of the months of Christian: January, February, March and so on …. And this exactly what the aliens have planned to ruin the Islam, and we clearly see that how they have succeeded in their plan, and have replaced the names of the Islamic months with their Christians and Zoroastrian’s names. In this way, they have caused every man or woman, old or young to use their imposed names instead of the beautiful Islamic names. Now, you see in the government offices, in business and in every trade, even the peasants use those names.[81] It is so that sometimes you see even the religious learned and scholars use those names in their announcements, and they put under their signature the solar date rather than the lunar ones; and sometime, some of them, add for example: 7th of Mohar‘ram next to their signatures – and sometimes, they only put the ancient date. Converting Hijri Calendar to Shahanshahi CalendarAnyhow, this was the second step of the alteration which went on for fifty years. During this period of time, they were always waiting for a good occasion to put the third step into practice; the one which was more important than the first and the second ones it was the abolition of the Hijri date to the date and history of the “SHAHINSHAHI’. That was replacing the [date of the] Messenger of Allah with the tyrannical date and time, that was officially imposing the thoughts of the aggressive government upon the innocent Muslims. Although it was a long time that the tyrannical government dominated the nation, he had not abolished the virtue and nobility of the laws of the Messenger of Allah or to disturb the feeling of the Muslims in that way. Now, by his great change in the Islamic dates and calendars, he openly rose against the religion and the Messenger’s laws and rules, he tore up the chain of the belief and turned his back to the spiritual belief of the nation and the Divine Commandments. Now, we are going to bring an article from the “Ettelaat Newspaper” and briefly discuss on it: The headline of the paper said: ‘Today, in the common Parliaments, by approving a historical manifesto, the Islamic date was changed, therefore, the oncoming New Year will start with the new date ‘The SHAHANSHAHI Year of 2535. It was signed and added: The Prime Minister, Hoveida: the religious calendar is in circulation as usual. The manifesto of the Common Assembly of the National ‘Sana and Council Parliaments, with the Chairmanship of Ja‘far Sharif Imami in the Sana Palace. First, he praises the dynasty of the Pahlavi and appreciates their 50 years of sincere struggling for the country and the nation, adds that the only emancipation of the nation was by their attentive service to the country. And the main article goes as: both the parliaments congratulate the system of the SHAHANSHAHI which has been governing Iran for twenty-five centuries and it has been the strong support for this nation. Now, the beginning of the system of SHAHANSHAHI is being named as the beginning of the national history of Iran.[82] By believing the theory of the RASTAKHIZ Party, the Parliaments have approved this new change in the history and have given it the title of the Manifesto of twenty-fourth of Esfand, one thousand, three hundred and fifty-four. In this assembly, the Chief of the parliament, and then, Senator Di Isa Sādiq, Halacoo Rambod, Senator Emad Torbati, Doctor Mostafa Alamooti, Senator Shokat Jahanbani, and Mrs Mahin Sani‘e had lectured; and then, the manifesto had been signed unanimously. To begin with, in his lecture, Sharif Imami had praised the good services of the Shah for the nation during his reign and then he had added: ‘for the shortage of the time, both the parliaments have mingled into one,’ and from each of the parliament three persons had lectured concerning the occasion of the birthday of Reza Shah. Then, the manifesto was read to the members of the parliaments and next to it, Hoveida lectured his own. The first lecturer was Doctor Sadiq, who, after praising the toils of Reza Shah and explaining the situations of Iran during his governing, and picturing the great chaos in the start of his taking the office, he divided his speech in different parts: Dispatching the students to the foreign countries, the establishment of the Tehran University in 1310, free education in the whole country, establishing clubs and swimming pools by the Prince, setting up Ferdowsi’s one thousand-years-of memorial in 1313, and inauguration of his dome in Tous (in the same year, it took place in the best universities of the world and his works were admired in different languages of the world). And taking further steps by unveiling the women on the 17th of Dey 1314, and bringing the scholars together to investigate about Ferdowsi, the nation’s proud of Iran. Then, he goes on explaining it and later, he switches on Muhammad Reza Shah, and ends up his speech by the White Revolution in Iran. And after Doctor Sadiq, Senator Emad Torbati takes the lead, and he too say something more or less than similar to Sadiq. After him, Senator Shokat Jahanbani starts her lecturing; she praises Reza Shah especially for his unveiling the women. After her, it was Doctor Nostafa Alamouti’s turn to speak. And after him, Halacoo Rambod read his writing and then it was Doctor Mahin Sani’s turn to address the members of the parliaments. And after approving the manifesto, Senator Al‘lāma Wahidi made a speech. As his speech was very deceitful and clearly tampering the religion, and was planned carefully to influence the thoughts and ideas of the listeners, in the mean time praising the aggressive Rulers and then matching them with the Messenger of Allah, and above all, relating the narratives concerning the Imams as to be for them, we are going to bring you his speech so that you may judge his devil plans and ideas about the Muslim nation. He began his speech as: ‘Let me tell you in brief some about the foundation of the pure Islam and the balance of presumption and jurisprudence, and them something about the greatness of the basis of the SHAHANSHAHI Iran belong to the Great Koroush; and finally to let you know the necessity of obeying the Kings. In the methodology, the source of presumption, there lie the Book, the Tradition, opinions and intellect. The Book is the same Glorious Qur’an, the Divine Book and the main guidance of the people of the world which is sent down to the Respectable Messenger, Bless be to Him and his Descendants. And in this Holy Divine Book, there are verses concerning the benevolence and the philanthropies’ of the Great Koroush’s called ‘Dhul-Gharnayn’, as: وَ يَسْئَلُونَكَ عَنْ ذِي الْقَرْنَيْنِ قُلْ سَأَتْلُوا عَلَيْكُمْ مِنْهُ ذِكْراً And they will question you about Dhul-Qarnayn, (The Two-Horned One), say, ‘I will relate an account of him for you, (Qur’an” 18/83);’ and nominating the Great Koroush as the Dhul-Qarnayn is of the manifest miracles of the Qur’an. After perfect scientific investigation, it has become clear that either side of that King’s hat had an outgrowth resembling a horn; thus it is why the Holy Qur’an has called this great Shah as: Dhul-Qarnayn!’ Then, for covering his invention, he said: the meaning of Dhul-Qarnayn is the very Alexander: ‘Alexander was a cruel and aggressive man and the Qur’an never says anything about such people.’ Next, he adds that there was another verse in the Holy Qur’an approving the conducts of that just King of the Kings. He says: ‘Now, I am to explain the greatness of our king and my belief to his regimes. It has been related that Allah, the Almighty, has stated to Abraham, His Friend: “O Abraham! You are the manifestation of Our Awareness, and so are you the manifestation of our Sovereignty. Now, it is understood that the position of the Sovereignty has been Allah’s especial favor. “This news is is guaranteed by Jalal-ad-Din Maulavi as he says: ‘The Kings are the manifestations of the Right Kingdom;’ the laws and rules of the Respectable Messenger of Allah also confirm this news. It is a famous statement of the Messenger, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, that he time and again announced it to his companions: ولدت فى زمن الملك العادل ‘I have been born at the time of a just King.’ It is clearly seen that how much the Messenger praises the King of Iran, ANOSHIRWAN, (The Iranian King in whose reign the Prophet was born).” In another narrative, he clearly says that following the Kings is incumbent. But it is better before relating his explaining the narrative, we refer to its origin to know where the narrative is from, and then read what he says. The source of the narrative is the authentic book of the great scholar of Islam, Sheikh Saddouq, the book known as ‘Aamali’: لا تذلّوا رقابكم بترك طاعة السلطان! ‘Do not humiliate yourselves by disobeying the Sultan!’ And then he adds: و انّ صلاحكم فى صلاح سلطانكم و ان السّلطان بمنزله الوالد الرّحيم؛ فأحبّوا له ما تحبون لأنفسكم و أكرهوا له ما تكرهون لأنفسكم. ‘Your goodness [in life] is through the discretion of your Sultan! Your King is as the kind father for you, so seek for the goodness for him as you seek for yourselves! And hate for him everything you hate for yourselves!’ Another narrative that is in the same authentic book is: قال رسول الله (صلی الله عليه و آله وسلّم) طاعة السلطان واجبه، و من ترك طاعة السطان فقد ترك طاعة الله عزّ و جلّ و دخل فى نهيه. The Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, stated: “The obedience of the King is incumbent, whoever does not obey the King, he really does not obey Allah, the Honorable and Exalted; he disobeys the commands of Allah.” Here, you see that how he clearly explains obeying the King is rally obeying Allah! By virtue of the consensus of opinions, as we consider it to be the statement of the innocent, who have considered necessary obeying the kings, the necessity of obeying them bring unity; thus it is necessary obeying them. Especially we the Iranian by referring to the statement of our Master, the Commander of the believers, have our own special belief and spiritual natures, and on the other hand, because of our national traditions we take the command of the king as the Command of Allah. It is our famous saying that “Either it be the command of the king or the Command of Allah!” Let it be said that as according to the narratives obeying the king is as obeying the innocent, we consider it to be of the opinions of the consensus of the opinions. However, referring to the logical reason, obeying the king is indispensible; disobeying the just and competent king brings chaos, causes disarray and damages the whole affairs of the country – as it is said: لولا السلطان لأكل النّاس بعضهم ‘If there is no king, some people will devour the others.’ O you the respectable deputies! To bring up my statement, I would like to quote a narrative from the Sheikh-al-Mohad‘di’thin Hurr Aamoli, he states: السُّلْطَانُ ظِلُّ اللهِ فِى الأرضِ، يَأْوِى إلَيْهِ كُلُّ مَظْلُوم, here, Sa‘di has put it in poem, and has mixed the shadow with the owner of the shadow, as: ‘The king is the shade of Allah, and never is the shade separated of its source. ‘Now, in this common sensational assembly which is held for the fifty-year-old of the pride and blessing Kingdom of the Pahlavi Dynasty, and it is coincided with the happiest birthday of the founder of this kingdom, by praising Allah I ask Him to give us enough insight to obey and follow his command. Long live the honorable and great king of us, ARYAMEHR, and the venerable Princess and the crown owner – eternal live Iran.’ In this lecture, it is clearly seen that how the speaker, Al‘lāma Wahidi[83] has become metamorphosed and altered the facts. Here, we are not to explain the opinions of some the lecturers who have lectured about veils of the women, about the narrator Ferdowsi who was known as the exemplary of the nation against the Islam as well as Arabs, especially when the people would gather under his statue and praise him. We have nothing to do with these people who have been studying in the alien schools for years and leaning their way of life and culture, they were following those people who are now going to destroy Islam, those who give excessive respect to the creed of Zoroastrian. Thus, in this part of our saying, we are not going to waist time to speak about them. It is because their way and method of life and their plan is nothing but only nonsense, these are the people who have been instructed in the foreign countries, and they learned of those teachers who are more Catholic than the Pope for our country! They have learned something meaningless from them and have become their slaves. Therefore, it is not surprising if they consider the Pahlavi and his Dynasty to be the only just and more affectionate people to the nation; though they were imposed upon the people by the Imperialism and they carried out their most cruelty in governing the country. But we are surprised of Wahidi who, with his vast knowledge, how supporting the tyrannical and aggressive Shah, in the private and common gathering, he spoke his mind to the audience and praise the Shah. He bought the trifle pelf of the world in the price of his virtue and the Hereafter – he would flatter to butter up his bread. To feed up his stomach from the over left of their tablecloth, and to save his temporary position, he did against the religion, the Qur’an and the Messenger of Allah whatever bad he could do – he betrayed many for a petty reward! Any wise man and the men of knowledge, who are accounted with the basis of Islam, could easily understand that his lectures were nothing more than cheating the people. How can a Qur’an, which is sent down by Allah for the guidance of mankind and bringing unity among them, consider obedience of a king to be necessary? And why should the Messenger, who has struggled for twenty-three years to bring justice, unity and, in the mean time, combating with the aggressions, as well ten years during his immigration in Medina being in the first line fighting the enemies of Islam – normally having battle in every two-month, order to obey the king and considering his obedience to be incumbent? These narratives that he has related have nothing to do with the aggressive rulers. In those narratives, the purpose of Sultan is the just Sultan and the right Imams, or the jurisprudents who are assigned by the Imams. According to this common narrative between the Shiite and the Sunnite: ‘لَا طَاعَةَ لِمَخْلُوقٍ فِى مَعْصِيَهِ الْخَالِق’, the respecting a cruel Sultan, or following a corrupt King, is not incumbent for any creatures. The Holy Qur’an commands the creatures to follow the Messenger of Allah, those who are in authorities, (the Imams and the religious leaders the Messenger has chosen, and the messengers that Allah has assigned and sent them to guide the people). Based on the verses of the Qur’an only these are who must be followed. How can the Qur’an, which constantly criticizes the cruel Kings of the world, such as: the Pharaoh, Nimrod, the Grand Vizier of Xerxes and their followers, command people to follow them? By relating these narratives, the first treachery of Mr. Wahidi is to bring them in the sight and making them look authentic, which is not true. They are not found in any documents of the Shiite or the Sunnite. Above all, it is an obvious treachery trying to magnify a common narrative and to use it against the facts! There is much to debate on that which Dhul-Qarnayn was the very Cyrus. Suppose that the Qur’an has mentioned the name of Dhul-Qarnaynn, but it has not said following him as a king! Anyone with little knowledge can make it out. It is very strange that he himself reasons the case and says: Dhul-Qarnayn cannot be the same Cyrus, because they say he was a cruel man! He continues that the Qur’an does not approve him; so if it is what the Qur’an says, then, why does he quote the Qur’an and encourages the people to follow and obey the Shah and his family?! As if all of them were the purest persons, similar to the angels and were sent down from the heavens and the Purification Verse was also revealed for their sake! That which they relate to the Messenger of Allah stating: ولدت فى زمن الملك العادل ‘I was born at the time of a just king’, is a fake story they have invented; it does not exist in any Shiite or Sunnite’s books. ANO‘SHIR‘WAN used to be a tyrant king therefore the Messenger of Allah never praises him. That which they have said: there is a reliable narrative relating that the Messenger of Allah has said to his companions: “I have been born at the time of a just King”, is totally wrong. Where is the source of this narrative? In which narrative book is it written, or who has said it at the first time? The Messenger has not mentioned it once to the companions even once, let alone saying it time and again! The statement of Ferdowsi: ‘Whether it is the command of God or the command of the King’, refers to the creed of the Zoroastrian who take the Shah as the deputy of Allah; it has nothing to do with Islam! Islam rejects the word ‘Yazdan’ (God) which is in the creed of the Zoroastrian, and is against Devil, and considers it to be disbelief: let alone the deputy of the ‘Yazdan’. With his mistakes and wrong assumptions, and composing such poems covering the facts and announcing the obedience of the Sultan, Ferdowsi will assuredly stand in front of the Justice in Doomsday to answer his crimes. Wahidi has translated this sentence: وَ ان صلاحكم فى صلاح سلطانكم and indeed your benefit is related to the moral soundness of you Sultan, quite opposite. Because the meaning of this sentence is: All of you will benefit if your Sultan has the moral soundness. He has translated it as: and indeed your benefit is related to the moral soundness of you Sultan. It means you will benefit if you obey what your Sultan commands you! This is a deceit in translation. And the next notable thing is that he has related to the opinions of the gathering which there is no such a thing; it has been said that if the infallible gathering confirm a subject then it is considered to be the truth. The opinions of the infallible are authentic, thus when the utterance is theirs, they is acceptable. The learned and those expert in the fundamental know that here the gathering is not important; the gathering in front of the tradition is what comes from the infallible, it is: the opinions of all the Muslims and the revealer is by the infallible. For lengthening his lecture, he has done his trick in the clothes of gathering, that is, he wanted to do another treachery in the fundamental so that to bring up the case for his benefit. But logically intellect commands something else. The intellect says that one must not follow the vain and corrupt, and one must not obey a tyrant ruler; on the other hand, he must free himself from the cruel rulers. Then, he must follow a just, sympathetic and the loyal ruler who is never after the enjoyment of this world – he is always worried for the welfare of his nation. Anyhow, we prolonged our word about his lecture so that to let the people know that almost always there are such demagogical people in the courts of the kings so that to beguile the common people and to keep them remain quiet! Then, it is not surprising that how the people like Abu Horaira, Abuzar, Ka‘b, Samorat bin Jondob and many others, while being of the companions of the Messenger for a long period of time, how turned to Mua‘wiyah. And then, for a long time, they sat at the tablecloth of Mua‘wiyah and composed thousands of poems concerning the virtues of the two Sheikhs and the family of Bani Omayyad, Othman and Mua‘wiyah. They overlooked the status of the Commander of the believers, and on the pulpits, quoted the Messenger of Allah but for their own benefit. The history is no more than recording the events, so if we want to observe the Palace of Mua‘wiyah, let’s look at the very parliaments of Sana and the National Council, and of course the Senators and the deputies, these are the mirrors to show those in the past. Mua‘wiyah sent his page to Samoeat bin Jondob and told him: ‘I will give you one hundred thousand Dirhams so that to relate the people this verse of the Qur’an: وَ مِنْ النَّاسِ مَنْ يَشْرِى نَفْسَهُ ابْتِغَاءَ مَرْضَاة اللَّهِ وَ اللَّهُ رَءُوفٌ بِالْعِبَاد [84] ‘…and of mankind is one who gives up his 'life' seeking the approval of Allah; and Allah is Compassionate to His servants, (Qur’an: 2/207).’ The verse has been revealed about ibn Moljam Moradi who was one of the wretched men from the Tribe of Morad. And the verses: وَ مِنْ النَّاسِ مَنْ يُعْجِبُكَ قَوْلُهُ فِى الْحَيَاة الدُّنْيَا وَ يُشْهِدُ اللَّهَ عَلَى مَا فِى قَلْبِهِ وَ هُوَ أَلَدُّ الْخِصَامِ ﴿204﴾ وَ إِذَا تَوَلَّى سَعَى فِى الْأَرْضِ لِيُفْسِدَ فِيهَا وَ يُهْلِكَ الْحَرْثَ وَ النَّسْلَ وَ اللَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ الْفَسَاد ﴿205﴾ وَ إِذَا قِيلَ لَهُ اتَّقِ اللَّهَ أَخَذَتْهُ الْعِزَّة بِالْإِثْمِ فَحَسْبُهُ جَهَنَّمُ وَ لَبِئْسَ الْمِهَاد ﴿206﴾[85] And of mankind is one whose saying about the present life surprises you, and he calls Allah to witness what in his heart is, but he is the extremist of enemies. And when he turns his back [or gets authority,] he tries to cause corruption on the earth. He destroys the crops and damages the breeding stock; but Allah does not like mischief; and when it is said to him, ‘Fear Allah’, a sense of self-conceit leads him off to corrupt. Therefore, Hell is enough for him – and how evil resting place [it is], (Qur’an: 2/204-206),’ have been revealed about Ali bin Abī Tālib. Samoeat bin Jondob did not accept it, Mua‘wiyah paid two hundred Dirhams still he did not accept it; and finally Mua‘wiyah paid four hundred Dirhams and he took it. [86] Anyhow, the date-change was the third process that the imperialism put in practice. Without letting the people know what was going on, they brought the two parliaments together – because the gap between the two parliaments delay would betray what was going on between them – and then carry on their plan and sign the manifest. It was crystal clear that by changing the date they crowned their trick, and in the point of politics, they brought the idea of Zoroastrianism to the country and imposed it upon the innocent people. In the parliament, Hoshang Nehavandi, the parliament speaker, said: this assigning the new date, the beginning of the history of Iran, is the basis recognizing the ancient Iran. The new calendar is totally Iranian and belongs to this nation, and it is depicting our honorable history. In the assembly of the parliament, Farhang-Mehr, the speaker of the Pahlavi University of Shiraz said: Iran in a unique and independent unite, and the nation in a reformed group came to existence by Cyrus, the Great, the HIKHAMANESHI Dynasty. After approving the manifestation, Amir Abbas Howeida, the Prime Minister, started his lecturing and said: At this historical moment, the twenty-six centuries of the SHAHANSHAHI history, we have assembled to celebrate it and deliver speeches on this occasion. It is obvious that the lunar Hijri calendar is our religious date and history; it is kept safe in its place. However, you have been gathering here today to witness the illumination of a new date and history: that is, to see that there has only been one Iran and a unique king in our system and they are so combined that nothing can separate them. The next day, on Monday the 25th of Esfand 1354, Ettelaat News paper published an article saying that: Now, the new legislation that assigned in the common parliaments, the national calendar (that is: Farvadin, Ordibehesht but based upon the Immigration of the Messenger of Allah) has found a new and perfect meaning, which is the foundation of Iran’s SHAHANSHAHI; that is Cyrus, the Great, taking the reign. Our national calendar which depicts Farvadin the first month of the year, and all the twelve months are drawn from the ancient names, however it had an defect, it did not represent the history of before Islam… and he adds: For a country that has regular date and history, and its kingdom started from Cyrus, the Great, up to now, this condition was not logical and desirable. It is because nothing of the historical events, such as the Arab’s attack to Iran, has damaged the continuation of the kingdom in Iran. Although we have accepted the religion of Islam and are very proud of it, we have saved our history and culture and we will also do in the future. Our religious calendar, like the other Islamic countries, starts from Mohar‘ram and end in the month of Dhi-Hijja, it is safe and sound in its place, and our national calendar which begins from Farvadin and ends in Esfand has also its own place. That one is the Hijri calendar and this on the SHAHANSHAHI; the first one represents our religion and the next one is for our nationality. In short, by considering these statements it becomes clear that the change of the date and history is only separating the religion from the nationality, separating the religion from the politics and the social affairs, and also making customary the ancient laws and rules and the customs of the ancient ignorant. And in this way, secluding the religion and the rights of Islam as well the traditions of Muhammad; and with their new trick, taking away the nobility of the people and strengthening the invented system. As it was already mentioned, they say: We have nothing to do with the lunar Hijri date and history, it is safe and sound in its place, but the official date of the country must be solar, to begin with the month of Farvardin and be named SHAHANSHAHI. It means, what is most important for the country is the month of Farvadin and the proud of Cyrus, the Great taking the reign to govern in Iran. That is what isolates the people from their religion, it cuts their connection with religion, love of the country and even from their chastity. It is no good for this nation, it is proper for the imperialism. It does not harm the imperialism if an elderly woman marks a certain page of her supplication book with a lunar date, or an old man marks a certain page of the rites of ‘LAILAT-ul-RAGHAYIB’ with that date; what, is it destructive? They say: If we start the origin of the date with the Immigration of the Messenger of Allah, then it is a defect and the loss of our history, but if we assume it from the kingdom of Cyrus it make us and our country proud. افٍّ لَكُمْ وَ لِمَا تَعْبُدُونَ مِنْ دُونِ الله [87] ‘Fie! Woe upon you for what you have chosen to worship against Allah!’ All people in the entire world are proud of have relations with their messengers. The Christian hold their history that of the birth of Messiah, the Zoroastrian and the Jews have their dates and histories on this base. So was the Messenger of Allah a disgrace to you that rejected him? In supporting the imperialism you are in the first line! They changed the date from Hijri to the Christianity. You should know that Messiah was also a great messenger but you even did not follow him! You ignored all the messengers and all of a sudden picked Cyrus and took shelter in him instead: افٍّ لَكُمْ وَ لِمَا تَسِيرُونَ عَلَى مَنْهَجِ الشَّيْطَان ‘Fie! Woe upon you, then what for you are moving on the line of Satan!’ It annoys Allah; His Lofty position does not bear the cruel acts of you! After three successive steps: first changing the lunar year to the solar, the second one changing the solar Hijri to the ancient Hijri, then at last alteration of the ancient Hijri to the ancient SHAHANSHAHI their dirty actions come to the most deplorable state; their homes and palaces collapse upon them and its affect gives way to the Divine revelation as: فَجَعَلْنَاهَا حَصِيداً كَأنْ لَمْ تَغْنَ بِالامْس.[88] ‘…and We make it a harvested land just as though it had not been existed the day before, (Qur’an: part of: 10/24).’ فَأخَذَتْهُمْ صَاعِقَهُ الْعَذَابِ الْهُونِ بِمَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُون [89] ‘…thus, a thunderbolt seized them with a shameful chastisement for what they had been earning, (Qur’an: 41/17).’ According to what we mentioned here, we expected after the collapse of the imperialism and the angry motion of the Muslim against the previous Regime, who had been suffering for one thousand, and four hundred years, would get their rights which was the main lunar months and year in their calendar. The nation left their authorities in the hands of the parliament running by the Expert Assembly so that to announce the date according to the lunar Hijri, However, unfortunately, they did not do so, the main basic law of the Islamic Republic legislated it as: The origin of the official date of the country is from the Migration of the Messenger of Islam, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, then, both the solar Hijri and the lunar Hijri dates are creditable; however, the basis of the date for the Government Offices is the solar Hijri, and the bank holiday is going to be Friday. Here, we see that the only change is the third one, that is, they only changed the date from the SHAHANSHAHI to Hijri. Yet again the solar years remained as before the official years, nor did the ancient months of the Zoroastrian, such as: Khordad and Bahman change. There are three problems in this: It is not correct to bring together the Lunar months and the SolarFirst of all, what does it mean keeping the solar and lunar dates at the same grades while the Holy Qur’an specifies the lunar months to be authentic? Apart from that, the laws and rules of the generous Messenger of Allah and the roads of the religious leaders are on the basis of the lunar months and years. Validating them is just making the solar months and years official – it paralyzes the lunar months and years. And the second problem is that why the government activities are based on the solar months and years? It has two big problems of its own. If the region is not separated from the politics, then the government works and affairs must be on the basis of the lunar months – so from where this separation has come? The third is that setting the affairs of the government on tha basis of the solar months is valuating the solar months and years; because valuating does not mean anything unless putting something into practice. Anyhow, the government offices got to know the solar months as the official ones but not the lunar months and years. And they, nationally and internationally, work on the basis of the solar months and years but not the lunar. So, what is the difference between this plan and the one put into practice in the third assembly of the previous parliaments? They too said: the lunar Hijri months are safe and sound in their places, and they are used for the religious affairs, and the ancient SHAHANSHAHI date is for the official affairs in the country, the official government meetings, for the seminars, conferences, celebrations, and business and so on. Nowadays, these too do not care the lunar months. The anniversary of the revolution, the days of the martyrs, celebrations, and many others are based on the solar date – months and years. For example, they consider the martyrdom of the Late Sheikh Mortaza Motahhari to be on the 12th of Ordibehesht, though he was martyred on the 5th of Jamadi-ath-Thani.[90] The martyrdom of the Late Dast-Gheib, and the Late Sadoughi, and the Late Ghazi, the Late Ashrafi and the Late Mofat’tih whom they have related to be on the Day of the University and the religious Students, they keep the memories of all of them according to the solar months of Farvadin and so on. They hold the memory of the demise of the miraculous sign of Allah, Tabatabaee on the 24th of Aban, though it on the 18th of Muharram,[91] though his soul hates these kinds of anniversaries – he was the righteous man and being loyal to the lunar months and years. Above all, as these martyrdoms, celebrations and memorials are bases on the religious movements and occasions, they are much better to be mentioned in lunar months and years so that to remind the next generations of these dates. The martyrdom of the innocent scholar Sayyid Hassan Modarres, May Allah be pleased with, was in the month of Ramadan in Bangah Kashmar; it happened while he was fast in the evening and the prayer time. So if he is remembered on the 27th of Ramadan is better than being remembered on the 10th of Azar![92] And which is better, calling the event of hanging the martyr Sheikh Fazlul-lallah Nouri on the Birthday of the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace, on the 13th of Rajab,[93] or calling his martyrdom on one of the solar months? The uprising of the whole nation, after the 10th of Mohar‘ram when they had mourned for ten days, and all had been in the mosques listening to the lectures and the preaches and remembering the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, Upon Him be Peace, which ended with the historical lecture of the Ruler of the Revolution on the Eve of Aashura in the Mosque of Feizei‘ia, and the result was his capturing and taking him to Tehran to be hanged, and then people upraised for his sake; all these events are mentioned in the solar months, but was it not good to declare the event on the 12th of Mohar‘ram instead of 15th of Khordad? Now, is it better to call the date of the people uprising against the tyrannical regime in Tehran, on the Eve of the First of Mohar‘ram, when they wore white shrouds and shouted: ‘The Greatest is Allah’, ‘On the First of Mohar peopleram, or the fifth of Mehr?’ In short, due to the religious documents, and according to the historical experiences, for the Islamic Nations, the lunar date: months and years, are better than the solar ones. Nowadays, it is strange that when the seminars take place among the Islamic countries, Iranian question the other countries why their date and calendars are based on the Christianity! However, if they turn the Iranian asking: ‘So what is your date? And which date is better for us the Muslims to pick unanimously?’ They have no proper answer unless they say the Lunar Hijri! They too found our faults objecting that our dates and times are based on the solar years and the months on Farvadin, Bahman and so on! So all of us must correct our systems according to the Qur’an and when we get together to be proud in demonstrating our unity and belief. We are going to repeat it that why the demise of the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace, is not right to be on the solar month and year; by the way, is it not that one day it happens in the month of Shawwal and the next time in the Rabi’ al-Awwal? How it is incorrect calling the day of Aashura on the basis of solar month! And how great mistake is calling the Birthday of the Monarch for the Time, Upon Him be Peace, in the solar year and months! In this way, it will once happen in Mohar‘ram, and the next time happens in Safar! During the years, it will always be on motion, and such is with the other months and the occasions.[94] And this is the very ‘the postponement of a sacred month (casting to oblivion)’ which the Qur’an prohibits us practicing it. And in his Farewell Pilgrimage, the Messenger of Allah has warned us against it. It is because the solar years are after the lunar years, and if the calendar should be based on the solar date then it falls back eleven days each year. Therefore, to stop ‘the postponement of a sacred month’, and putting every date and day in its own right place, we have to follow the lunar date: months and years only. As at Mina, in the sermon of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, the clause: ‘the postponement of a sacred month (casting to oblivion)’ was mentioned, we were obliged to comment on it, and it lead us to explain some about the solar and lunar months. So, praise be to Allah, this discussion came to an end successfully and now it is in the disposal of the dearest booklovers, on top those who are studying the ‘Knowing the Imams’. References
[70] As
the mission of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants,
began on the 27th of Rajab, and the Holiness stayed in Mecca for 13 years,
and then migrated to Medina on the 12th of Rabi' Awwal, so the delay of the
Holiness in Mecca exactly twelve years, and seven months and a half. And
then, the Holiness went to Mecca and lived there for nine years and sixteen
days; that is, from the Rabi' Awwal of the first year of the immigration, up
to the 28th Safar of the eleventh year of the immigration he stayed in
Mecca. The immigration of the Holiness was in 622 June according the
calendar of Christian Gregory. وَلا يَزَالُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا تُصِيبُهُمْ بِمَا صَنَعُوا قَارِعَةٌ أَوْ تَحُلُّ قَرِيبًا مِنْ دَارِهِمْ حَتَّى يَأْتِيَ وَعْدُ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا يُخْلِفُ الْمِيعَادَ. '…disaster will continually afflict those who disbelieve because of what they produce, or it will settle down close to their home until the permission of Allah comes true. Surely Allah does not break the tryst, (Qur'an: 13/ 31).' During the fifty years of the aggressive kingdom, Wahidi palyed many tricks to support the Shah, he exchanged his religion, nobility and respect for the trifling worldly life, he begged for fame in the court of the Shah, it was until he encountered the Divine revenge and became 'cut off from this world and unwelcomed in the Hereafter, as the Qur'an says: خسر الدنيا و الاخرة ذلك هو الخسران المبين, he entered hell and united to his masters, as: المنافقون و المنافقات بعضهم من بعض, (some of the hypocrite, men and women, are one from another one). It is the torture of this world, now consider what will happen in the Hereafter! As is said: و لو لم يكن الا الموت لكفى، كيف و ما بعد الموت اعظم و ادهى [84] Surah 2, "بقرة", Verse 207. [85] Surah 2, "بقرة", Verses 204-206.[86] " الغدير", volume 2, page 101, from " تاريخ طبرى", (The History of Tabari), volume 5, page 229, " كامل ابن أثير",, volume 3, page 117, and " شرح ابن ابى الحديد", volume 2, page 24. [87] Surah 21, "انبیاء", Verse 67. [88] Surah 10, "یونس", Verse 24. [89] Surah 41, "فصّلت", Verse 41. [90] The Late Motah'hari was martyred on the fifth of Jamadi-ath-Thani, 1399; 12th of Ordibehesht, 1358. [91] His demise was in the morning, on Sunday, 18th of Muharram ul-Haram, one thousand, four hundred and the second of the lunar Immigration Year, it was three hours to lunch time, and they delayed to bury him for the relatives and friends come together for his funeral. [92] The Late Modar'res was martyred on 27th of Ramadhan, 1356, equal to 10th of Azar 1316. [93] The martyrdom of Sheikh Fazl-ul-lah Nouri was on the 13th of Rajab, 1327, in Sepah Square in Tehran.
About the Ghadir Festival, in " فروع كافى", the publication of Heidari
Publication House, volume 4, page 149, Muhammd bin Ya'qub Kolaini relates it
from Sahl bin Zeiad, quoting his father relating Abd-ur-Rahman bin Salim
that he has said: I asked the Holiness Ja'far bin Muhammad, peace be upon
him, to know that if there were any festivals for the Muslims except Friday,
the Sacrificing Day and the Fitr Aid! He answered: 'Yes, it is a Day that
the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, assigned the
Commander of the believers, upon him be peace, and said: " من كنت مولاه فعلى
مولاه"!' I asked him to know what day it was. He said: ' و ما تصنع باليوم؟
ان السنه تدور؛ و لكنه يوم ثمانيه عشر من ذى الحجه', he continued to the end
of the narrative where it mentions Allah, praising Him as well as the
Household of the Messenger. و ما تصنع باليوم؟! ان السنه تدور و لكنه يوم ثمانيه عشر عن ذى الحجه |