In the Name of Allah the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
Collected Works of The Muslim Shiite Scholar and Thinker: Allāma Hājj Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husaynī Tihrānī
Corpus on Knowledge:
Allahology [Allāh Shināsī]
Imamology [Imām Shināsī]
Eschatology [Maād Shināsī]
Corpus on Sciences:
Ethics, Wisdom, and Gnosis:
Spiritual Wayfaring, a Treatise Attributed to Bahr al-‘Ulūm
Kernel of the Kernel, a Treatise on the Spiritual Journey of those who Possess Intellect
Objective and Intellectual Monotheism
The Shining Sun
The Detached Soul
Exegetical Discourses:
The Original (Badī‘a) Treatise
The New (Nuwīn) Treatise
Scientific and Legal Discourses:
Treatise on Sighting the Lunar Crescent
The Duty of Individual Muslims in Reviving Islamic Government
The Rule of Juristconsultant in Islamic Government
The Angelic Light of the Qur’an
An Examination of the Essay, “The Theoretical Contraction and Expansion in Religious Law”
Population Control, a Fatal Blow to the Muslim Masses
A Critical Letter Suggesting Ameliorations of the Constitution Draft
Historical Discourses:
Divine Flashes of Husayn
Ghadīriyya Present: Two Letters; One Black, the other White
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