Allāma Tabātabā’ī was a master of the intellect, the heart, and the religious law
Subject of the Book : Commemoration of Allama Tabātabā’ī (may his soul be sanctified)
This volume is arranged in two parts: 1. The biography of Allama, may God sanctify his soul. 2. A collection of Allama’s answers to the questions by the author (may Allah bless their souls).
In the first part, the following topics are taken into consideration: ■ The educational method by which Allama was trained. ■ Allama’s method of schooling ■ Allama’s culture and belles-lettres ■ Allama’s philosophical and exegetical methodology ■ Allama’s worldview and mentality ■ Some anecdotes of Allama’s life
Excerpts from the book: • Allama Tabātabā’ī’s sciences welled up from the innermost of his soul. • Allama would not give up until he reached the dept of a proposition and explored its every nook and cranny. • Philosophy of Mullā Sadrā was more realistic to Allama that that of Avicenna. • Allama believed it would be impossible to enter the colossal ocean of ideological narrations without studying philosophy and logics. • Allama said: If true Islam is introduced to people, they will embrace it. • Allama loved the Qur’an and considered deliberation on the Qur’an as his most sublime task. • Allama’s humility before the pure Imams originated from his conscientiousness. • Allama Tabātabā’ī is living eternally.
Excerpts from the second part of the book: • The world of creation is ever awake, God is ever awake. • Coming into being of the Apostle of Allah was a miracle. • Blessing (ni‘mat) everywhere in the Qur’an is intended to mean Wilāyat. • Intercession concerns the greater sins. • Paradise and Hell are existent right now. • God ascribes doing things to people but denies their independence. • The real meaning of Tawhīd is in the mystics’ [conception of] Tawhīd.
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