In the Name of Allah the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Islam Knowledge & Sciences

Collected Works of The Muslim Shiite Scholar and Thinker: Allāma Hājj Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husaynī Tihrānī


19 Titles in 52 volumes,

 with over 20,000 pages


  Synopses of the Corpus Biography of the Author  

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Collected Works of

The Muslim Shī'ite Scholar and Thinker :

Allāma Hājj Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husaynī Tihrānī

 (May his Soul be Sanctified)


The Corpus of:

 Islamic Attitudes, Law, and Culture

Covering from the Origin to Return.


 from the foreword by Seyyed Hossein Nesr to "Kernel of the Kernel"

"The work of Allamah. Tihrani translated here [from Persian] represents a genre of Islamic Gnostic and esoteric writings that has been rarely studied in the West until now. This book is in fact perhaps the first of its kind to appear in the English language...."continue...

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