God has lifted the burden of toilsome duties and heavy tasks from women’s shoulders.
Subject of the Book : Womem's Status in Society
■ On what basis is each creature’s right determined in the order of Creation? ■ How is the type of activity (division of labor) in society determined for each individual? ■ What activities are not consistent with women’s spirits and cause them to be ruined?
Originally written in Arabic, this treatise is an interpretation of the
āyah, ﴾Men are managers of women﴿ (Al-Qur’an, 4:34) in which syllogistic
lectures are presented concerning women’s jihād (holy war), judgment,
and rule; philosophy of the right of men and women; meaning of equality
in the right of men and women; limits of women’s participation in jihād;
traditions and the scholars’ consensus on the impermissibility of
holding official and judiciary posts by women; and impermissibility of
women’s membership in consultative assembly. Excerpts from the book: • In the natural hierarchy of being no creature’s right has been violated. • Justice lies in observing the capacity of each creature; hence, expectance of equality is wrong. • Women’s primary right is to avoid from heavy and troublesome tasks, rather than being banned from them. • Assigning women to rulership (hukūma), judgment, and deputyship is injustice to them and to the society as well.
Persian & Arabic full text