In the Name of Allah the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Imamology, Lesson 83-90: The Comment on the Verses 26-30 of the Surah "حج"

Collected Works of The Muslim Shiite Scholar and Thinker: Allāma Hājj Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husaynī Tihrānī


Lessons 83-90: The comment on the verse

 وَإِذْ بَوَّأْنَا لإبْرَاهِيمَ مَكَانَ الْبَيْتِ


In the Name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful

And bless be upon Muhammad and his pure Household, and may Allah's curse be on his enemies from now until the Day of Resurrection! And there is no power or strength except for the Lofty Glorious Allah.

The Wise Allah has stated in His Glorious Book:


وَإِذْ بَوَّأْنَا لإبْرَاهِيمَ مَكَانَ الْبَيْتِ أَنْ لا تُشْرِكْ بِي شَيْئًا وَطَهِّرْ بَيْتِيَ لِلطَّائِفِينَ وَالْقَائِمِينَ وَالرُّكَّعِ السُّجُودِ﴿26 وَأَذِّنْ فِي النَّاسِ بِالْحَجِّ يَأْتُوكَ رِجَالا وَعَلَى كُلِّ ضَامِرٍ يَأْتِينَ مِنْ كُلِّ فَجٍّ عَمِيقٍ﴿27 لِيَشْهَدُوا مَنَافِعَ لَهُمْ وَيَذْكُرُوا اسْمَ اللَّهِ فِي أَيَّامٍ مَعْلُومَاتٍ عَلَى مَا رَزَقَهُمْ مِنْ بَهِيمَةِ الأنْعَامِ فَكُلُوا مِنْهَا وَأَطْعِمُوا الْبَائِسَ الْفَقِيرَ﴿28 ثُمَّ لْيَقْضُوا تَفَثَهُمْ وَلْيُوفُوا نُذُورَهُمْ وَلْيَطَّوَّفُوا بِالْبَيْتِ الْعَتِيقِ﴿29 ذَلِكَ وَمَنْ يُعَظِّمْ حُرُمَاتِ اللَّهِ فَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَهُ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِ وَأُحِلَّتْ لَكُمُ الأنْعَامُ إِلا مَا يُتْلَى عَلَيْكُمْ فَاجْتَنِبُوا الرِّجْسَ مِنَ الأوْثَانِ وَاجْتَنِبُوا قَوْلَ الزُّورِ﴿30 [1]


‘…and when We appointed the site of the Sacred House for Abraham, [We stated him]: ‘Do not take any partner with Me, and purify My House for those who walk around it, and those who stand, [to worship, and] for those that bow and prostrate themselves.  ‘And proclaim among men the Hajj Pilgrimage that to come to you on foot and on every lean [fast moving beast]; let them come from every remote land, that they may witness the things profitable to them, and to mention Allah’s name on the appointed days over the heads of livestock He has provided them. Then eat of the meat of them and feed the miserable needy as well.

Then let them purify themselves, they should also fulfill their vows, and circle round the Ancient House of [Kă’bă].’ This is [what has been assigned], and whoever venerates the Sacred Rites of Allah, it is better for him with his Lord. And permitted to you are [the meat] of cattle, except those which have been listed for you. So avoid the filth of idols and refrain from false speech, (Qur’an: 22/26-30)!


Anyhow, after performing the circumambulation and the trotting and stating the law for the temporary marriage for those who had not taken the sacrificing animals with them, the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, along with some of his family: his honorable daughter, the Highness Zahra, peace be upon her, and her two little children” Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein, who were with their mother on that journey, as well as Zeinab and Umm Kulthom, peace be upon them, who were even less than seven and eight at that time, and the Holiness Mohsen who had not yet be born, went to the east of Mecca, ABTAH. They wanted to stay there until the right time Hajj approach.

And as they arrived at Mecca on Sunday, the fourth of Dhi-Hejja, they stayed at Mecca for four nights more [2] and during that time, which was known as “The Day of Decoration”, they recited sermons [3] and decorated the camels they had taken with them to sacrifice. And then, on the eighth day, which was the day of moistening, they recited sermons and taught the people how to rites when at Mecca.[4] On Thursday, which is the main day of moistening, before the sun declining or a bit later, they set out for Mina. They commanded the people to wear their pilgrimage garbs and chant ‘Here am I, O Allah’ and to continue moving forward.[5]

Therefore, apart from the Generous Messenger, the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace, and those who had taking their sacrifice animals with them, all the other pilgrims who were free from the Hajj restriction: from the fourth until the eighth, (the day of moistening), now with the command of the Messenger they wore their pilgrimage garbs and followed them to Mina.

The Messenger of Allah arrived at Mina and established the noon, late afternoon, the sunset and the late evening prayers there, then he stayed at Mina till morning. It was the day ninth, the Day of Arafat, so he established the dawn prayer at Mina and then left for Arafat before the sunrise or the sunset.

So far, there is not any difference or question that the Messenger of Allah established his five-time prayers at Mina. Even those who have stipulated that the Messenger of Allah left Mina after the sun declining, they have specified that he had prayed the noon prayer at Mina. [6]

And on this base and also according what the Household, Upon them be Peace, have related it is strictly recommended that the pilgrims should not go directly from Mecca to Arafat; they must pass the ARAFA-EVE at Mina and then early morning of ARAFA set out Arafat.

In the morning of ARAFA, at the sunrise, the Holiness Messenger set out for Arafat, and he ordered his tent to be set up at NAMERA[7].

As the Quraish considered being the citizen of the Sacred Premises of Mecca, therefore, on the Hajj season they did not leave the Sacred Monument that was within the Sacred Premises of Mecca – they passed their HALT at Mash’r. They said that the HALT at Arafat, which is in the out skirt of the Sacred Premises of Mecca was for those other than the Quraish, and according this saying, when the Messenger of Allah left Mina, they did not believe that the Messenger of being of the Quraish would have his halt at Mash’r. However, their assumption collapsed , for the Messenger of Allah directly went from Mina to Arafat, and he entered straight into his tent made of the Hair of Namera and was set up at the territory of Arafat[8]. It was just according to the verse of the Qur’an saying:

ثُمَّ أَفِيضُواْ مِنْ حَيْثُ أَفَاضَ النَّاسُ وَاسْتَغْفِرُواْ اللّهَ إِنَّ اللّهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ [9]

‘…then return from where the people return, and seek for the forgiveness of Allah, for Allah is the Merciful Forgiving, (Qur’an: 2/199).

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The sermon of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, at Arafat

They assigned their ‘HALT” at Arafat and from there they went to the Sacred Monument, and then to Mina to fulfill their Hajj rites.

Anyhow, the Messenger of Allah was in his tent until the sunset then he asked for his camel, called GHANOU,[10] he mounted it and moved forward up to the middle of the territory of Arafat. There, he addressed the people a sermon as:

ان دماءكم و اموالكم حرام عليكم، كحرمة يومكم هذا، فى شهركم هذا، فى بلدكم هذا، الا كل شى‏ء من امر الجاهلية موضوع تحت قدمى، و دماء الجاهلية موضوعة، و ان اول دم اضع من دمائنا دم ابن ربيعة بن الحارث- و كان مسترضعا فى بنى سعد فقتله هذيل.

‏و ربا الجاهلية موضوع، و اول ربا اضع ربانا ربا العباس بن عبد المطلّب فانه موضوع كله.[11]

و اتقوا الله فى النساء فانكم اخذتموهنّ بامانة الله و استحللتم فروجهن بكلمة الله، و لكم عليهن ان لا يوطئن فرشكم احدا تكرهونه، فان فعلن ذلك فاضربوهن ضربا غير مبرح! و لهن عليكم رزقهن و كسوتهن بالمعروفو قد تركت فيكم ما لن تضلوا بعدى ان اعتصمتم به: كتاب الله ![12]

و انتم تسالون عنى فما انتم قائلون؟!

قالوا: نشهد انك قد بلغت و اديت و نصحت!

فقال باصبعه السبابة، يرفعها الى السماء و ينكتها على الناس: اللهم اشهد! اللهم اشهد! اللهم اشهد! ثلاث مرات.‏ [13]

As today, as the Day of ARAFA is respectable for you, and this month of Dhi-Hejja is the highly regarded month, and so is this Town of Mecca reputable, so is it respectable for you not shedding the blood,  and your properties are lawful for you – but shedding the blood and usurping the others’ properties are unlawful for you.

Be aware! I have ignored the whole ignorance customs and affairs, and I have ignored all the blood-sheds of the Age of Ignorance and they have no retaliations; and from among the blood-sheds which happened in the past against our people was that of the son of Rabiat bin Abd-ul-Mottalib. He had gone to the Tribe of Bani Sa’d to ask for a nurse but the Tribe of Hozail killed him – ( as he was not a Muslim, he could not receive the blood-money – even if he was the cousin of the Messenger).

And the different usuries which were of the customs on the ignorant time, I invalidated them; and the first usury which I annihilated was my uncle, Ab‘bas’ bin Mottalib who had calculate to receive from the poor people I invalidated all these benefits and the usuries.

O people! Fear Allah concerning the rights of the women and keeping them in the most proper way! It is because you have married them in the name of the trustee of Allah, and you have accepted marrying them in the name of Allah!

And their responsibly toward you is not letting any alien and unknown to you enter your resting place, if they did it, beat them but not in a way that hurting or injuring them.[14]

And your rights towards them are preparing their living – feeding and clothing them.

And I have left a thing among you and if you cling on it you will not get lost – that is the Book of Allah.

Then, know that you have been questioned concerning my saying to you! Then, what is your answer to that question?

The listeners to the sermon said that” ‘We bear as the witness that you have preached us the commands of Allah, you did your duty and fulfilled your task. You guided the nation to the straight path with your summoning.’

Then, the Messenger of Allah raised his hand up and while pointing at the people with his index finger, three times said: “I call You to witness, I call You to witness, and I call You to witness [that I said whatever I had to say]!”

Amru bin Kharija says: ATTAB BIN OSAID sent me to the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, for a certain demand on the Day of ARAFA; at that time, the Holiness had ‘Halt’ at Arafat. I had the honor to give him the message, then, I stood waiting to close to the camel  - so close that I felt the saliva out of the camel’s mouth was dripping on my head – then, I heard that the Messenger slowly say:

ايها الناس! ان الله ادى الى كل ذى حق حقه، و انه لا يجوز وصية لوارث، و الولد للفراش، و للعاهر الحجر، و من ادعى الى غير ابيه، او تولى غير مواليه فعليه لعنة الله و الملائكة و الناس اجمعين، لا يقبل الله له صرفا و لا عدلا.[15]

‘O people! Allah has assigned the rights of every rightful person, it is not permissible for one to choose an heir [if he already has heirs to his properties][16]: a child born by a married woman is liable to receive heir and he is rightful in his father’s share; but an adulterer has no share in it – he must be the harshest sentence such as shower of stones on him.

The curses of Allah and all the angels are upon one who considers himself to be not from his father, and every slave believes to be other man’s slave than his master; and Allah never accepts his repentant [or He does not accept his obligations and discretions].’ 

The Messenger of Allah began the sermon and Rabiat bin Omayyad bin Khalaf, who was known as a good orator, reread it the whole story aloud to the people gathering there. The Messenger of Allah too commanded him to announce his sermon in details to the people… [17]

After the sermon of the Messenger of Allah, Belal performed “Call to prayer” and then performed the establishment of the prayer and then the messenger of Allah performed the mid-day prayer. Then without pausing longer, Belal performed the establishment of the prayer and the Messenger of Allah performed the late afternoon prayer.

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The investigation about the mid-day prayer that was established at Arafat

It becomes clear that the Messenger of Allah performed the sermon immediately after the mid-day began and then performed the noon and the late afternoon prayer together. So the question is that his two turns of noon prayer was considered the ‘Friday Prayer’, for he performed it two turns instead of four, and performed his sermon before than the prayer started! Or it was the noon prayer, not the Friday prayer except it started with a sermon! We may say that: it was Friday and the Messenger of Allah had performed the noon and the late afternoon prayer together and before the prayer had performed a sermon. Or we may assume that: it was the Friday prayer, especially by referring to the narrative of the Father of the Holiness Imam Sādiq, Upon Him be Peace, which was quoted by Jabir at the Farewell Pilgrimage saying: “The Messenger of Allah reached the Station of Arafat and started performing the first sermon , and soon after finishing it, Belal started calling to prayer, then, the Messenger began the second sermon; in this way, Belal ended up his call prayer and the Messenger of Allah his sermon. Once again, Belal performed the establishment of the prayer and the Messenger of Allah said the noon prayer, and again Belal performed the call prayer and the Messenger said the late Afternoon prayer.[18] So, by performing two sermons, especially after the sun’s declining, and performing the two noon and the late afternoon prayers together, it is gathered to be the Friday prayer; and that the Messenger of Allah was as a traveler there and the Friday prayer is not incumbent for a traveler, and the second sermon was also for the preparation to the next prayer – so is the collecting of the noon and the late afternoon prayers – and the two sermons of the Messenger of Allah are not confirmed; especially that he has performed the noon prayer in silence but not aloud; as it is understood by the discussion of Malik with Yusef in the presence of Haroon ar-Rashid that he had not prayed the noon prayer like the Friday prayer.[19]

And after ending up the prayer, the Holiness Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, mounted his riding animal, and after a sort while landed at the Staion, there, he faced to the Qiblah praying and supplicating until the sunset. It is in this narrative that the Holiness has said: “On the Day of Arafa, the most virtuous supplication that all the messengers and I have performed is this one:

 لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك و له الحمد، و هو على كل شى‏ء قدير.

 ‘There is no deity except Allah, the One, and there is no partner to Him, the Sovereignty and the praise only belong to Him, and He powerful upon everything.’

At that certain occasion, the Messenger of Allah supplicated enough until the sunset.

Some people came to the Messenger from Najd and asked to learn the rites of the Hajj, the Holiness announced the herald proclaim that:

 الحج عرفه، من جاء ليلة جمع- اى المزدلفة- قبل طلوع الفجر فقد ادرك الحج.‏

‘The Hajj pilgrimage includes landing at the Station of Arafat, and one who enters Mash‘ar at the Night for the Sacrifice and before dawn feels being at the Station of Mozdalifa, he has comprehended the Hajj.’[20]

And the Messenger of Allah was mounting on his camel, called ‘Az ba’, and at the sunset, he let Osama bin Za‘d mount and sit behind him and moved towards Mozdalifa. On the way there, he commanded the people travelling with him to keep quiet. Then, on their way, when they reach ‘She‘b Abtar’, they dismounted their camels, rested for a short while and performed ablutions.[21]

Before long, they set out for Mozdalifa and after a short ride, they arrived at Mozdalifa, they prayed both the sunset and the late evening prayers together, they did their prayers with a single call to prayer and two performing for establishment;[22] next they lay on the land to rest while letting their families and the weak people to get started for Mina after the mid-night.

Ibn Ab‘bas says: the Messenger of Allah trusted his family to me so that I take them to Mina after the mid-night; he commanded me to let them stone the ‘JAMH AGHABA’ unless the sun has risen.

At dawn, when it was still dark, the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, prayed the dawn prayer with the people at Mozdalifa and then went to the Sacred Monument. There, while still they were on their camels, turned to the direction of the prayer and mentioned Allah for His Greatness and the Majesty; they supplicated until the sun was shining the sky was clearly bright.[23]

The Messenger of Allah rode towards Mina while Fazl bin Ab‘bas was riding behind him. When they arrived at the land of Mohassir, they picked the road to ‘JAMH AGHABA’ and reached there before long. The Holiness Messenger threw seven pebbles which Abdullah bin Ab‘bas had collected for him at the ‘JAMH AGHABA’. And each time he threw the pebble, he mentioned ‘Allah is the Greatest’.

In “Al-Bedaya and an-Nehaya”, volume 5, page 187, of Muslim from Yah‘ia bin Hasin quoting his grandmother, Umm-ul-Hasin, and as well as some other documents from Jabir bin Abdullah relates that:

رايت رسول الله يرمى لجمرة على راحلته يوم النحر و يقول: لتاخذوا مناسككم فانى لا ادرى لعلى لا احجّ بعد حجتى هذه.‏  

 ‘I saw the Messenger of Allah mounting his camel on the Day of Sacrifice and throwing pebbles at the Jamara and saying: “You must learn your rites from me, because I do not know whether I will take another Hajj pilgrimage or not!”

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The famous sermon of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, at Mina

Then, between every turn of pebbling, while riding on a camel or a[24] "بغله شهبائی", the Holiness delivered a long sermon, and while some of the people sitting and the others standing, were listening to his sermon.[25]

It was there when the Commander of believers, Upon Him be Peace, was re-stating it louder to the people.[26]

And now, we are bringing to you the same sermon from the “History of Ya‘qubi”:

نضر الله وجه عبد سمع مقالتى فوعاها و حفظها ثم بلغها من لم يسمعها، فرب حامل فقه غير فقيه، و رب حامل فقه الى من هو افقه منه.

ثلاث لا يغل عليهن قلب امرى‏ء مسلم: اخلاص العمل لله، و النصيحة لائمة الحق، و اللزوم لجماعة المؤمنين، فان دعوتهم محيطة من ورائهم.‏[27]

‘Allah illuminates the faces of those slaves who listen to my saying and memorize it and then transfers it to those who have not heard it. How many a narrators and the bearer of the jurisprudence and knowledge transfer a subject to the highly educated and the learned one!

There are three things that never a Muslim grudges to reach them to the other: purifying one’s actions only for Allah, advising the rightful rulers and commanders, attending the believing brothers, because attending them is not only for them but too many coming from them in the next generation.’

Then, the Holiness stated: ‘O Rabiat, (Rabiat bin Omayyad bin Khalaf), say: “O people! The Messenger of Allah says:

لعلكم لا تلقوننى على مثل حالى هذه و عليكم هذا! هل تدرون اى بلد هذا؟ و هل تدرون اى شهر هذا؟! و هل تدرون اى يوم هذا؟!

فقال الناس: نعم! هذا البلد الحرام و الشهر الحرام و اليوم الحرام!

قال: فان الله حرم عليكم دماءكم و اموالكم كحرمة بلدكم هذا، و كحرمة شهركم هذا و كحرمة يومكم هذا، الاهل بلغت؟!

قالوا: نعم! قال: اللهم اشهد!

“Perhaps you will never meet me in this way that I am with you! Do you know what town this is? And do you know what month this is? And do you what day today is?!”

The people cried back: ‘Yes, we know, this is the most respectable month; and this is the prohibited month and so is it highly regarded. And today is also prohibited and respectable!’

Then, the Holiness stated: “Thus Allah has valued your blood and properties, He has done it alike this town, like the high reverence that this month has, the same respect that today has! Now, have I delivered my propagation?!”

All of them said: ‘Yes, you have.’ Then, the Holiness implored: “O my Creator! You be witness to it!”

ثم قال: و اتقوا الله و لا تبخسوا الناس اشياءهم و لا تعثوا فى الارض مفسدين. فمن كانت عنده امانة فليؤدها!!

ثم قال: الناس فى الاسلام سواء، الناس طف الصاع لادم و حوآء، لا فضل عربى على عجمى، و لا عجمى على عربى الا بتقوى الله! الا هل بلغت؟!

قالوا: نعم! قال: اللهم اشهد.

Then, he stated: “Do fear Allah! Do not under estimate the rights and the affairs of the people! And do not cause corruption and evil in the land! Let anyone who has the properties of other people with him turn them back to the real owners.”

Afterward he stated: “People are considered to be equal in Islam; all people, without any exception, are from Adam and Eve. Not any Arab has priority over the none-Arab except through his piety and rightfulness towards Allah – now, have I fulfilled my propagation and delivered the subject to you?!”

They unanimously said: ‘Yes, you have.’ Thus, the Holiness said: “O my Creator! You be witness to it!”

ثم قال: كل دم فى الجاهلية موضوع تحت قدمى، و اول دم اضعه، دم آدم بن ربيعة بن الحارث بن عبد المطلّب- و كان آدم بن ربيعة مسترضعا فى هذيل فقتله بنو سعد بن بكر، و قيل فى بنى ليث فقتله هذيل-. الا هل بلغت؟!

قالوا: نعم! قال: اللهم اشهد!

Then he stated: “I have trodden all the hostilities and the bloodsheds happened at the Age of Ignorance, and there is no retaliation for them. And the first blood-shedding that I am doing with is the that of Adam bin Rabiat, the son of Harith bin Abd-ul-Mot‘talib (a grandson of my own uncle); Adam bin Rabiat had gone to the Tribe of Hozail to ask for a nurse but Bani Sa‘d bin Bakr had killed him – he was accused for asking for a nurse. Yes, the Tribe of Hozail killed him: now, have I fulfilled my propagation and delivered the subject to you?!”

They all together said: ‘Yes, you have.’ Thus, the Holiness said: “O my Creator! You be witness to it!”

ثم قال: و كل ربا كان فى الجاهلية موضوع تحت قدمى، و اول ربا اضعه ربا العباس بن عبد المطلّب. الا هل بلغت؟!

قالوا: نعم! قال: اللهم اشهد!

Then he stated: “I have trodden all the benefits through the usuries that happened at the Age of Ignorance, and the first usury that I am doing away with is the usuries of my uncle, Ab‘bas bin Abd-ul-Mot‘talib – now, have I fulfilled my propagation and delivered the command of Allah to you?!”

They collectively said: ‘Yes, you have.’ Thus, the Holiness said: “O my Creator! You be witness to it!”

ثم قال: يا ايها الناس انما النسى‏ء زيادة فى الكفر يضل به الذين كفروا يحلونه عاما و يحرمونه عاما ليواطئوا عدة ما حرم الله. الا و ان الزمان قد استدار كهيئته يوم خلق الله السموات و الارض، و ان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا فى كتاب الله منها اربعة حرم: رجب الذى بين جمادى و شعبان، يدعونه مضر، و ثلاثة متوالية: ذو القعدة و ذو الحجة و المحرم. الاهل بلغت؟!

قالوا: نعم! قال: اللهم اشهد! 

Then, he continued: “O people! Indeed, postponing [the commands and one’s religious duties from today to tomorrow] is by the excessive blasphemy, and so many people become nonbelievers in this way and loose the track and get astray. The month that is considered to be of this category, it become lawful in one year and the unlawful in another year – it goes in such amount that until the unlawful months in a year are adjusted. Know that the time has circled and reached at its main point – to the same aspect and balance that Allah created the heavens and the earth.

In fact, the numbers of the months with Allah are twelve; it is the same in Allah’s Book. And four months out of the twelve are of the respectable months and are known as the prohibited months, one of them is: RAJAB which is between JOMADI and SHA‘BAN and it known as MOZAR. And the rest three months are successive as: Dhil-Gha‘da, Dhil-Hijja and Mohar‘ram. Now, be aware, have I fulfilled my propagation and delivered this subject?!”

They said: ‘Yes, you have.’ The Holiness said: “O my Creator! You be witness to it!”

ثم قال: اوصيكم بالنساء خيرا، فانما هن عوان عندكم، لا يملكن لانفسهن شيئا، و انما اخذتموهنّ بامانة الله، و استحللتم فروجهن بكتاب الله، و لكم عليهن حق، و لهن عليكم حق كسوتهن و رزقهن بالمعروف، و لكم عليهن الا يوطئن فراشكم احدا، و لا يأذن فى بيوتكم الا بعلمكم و اذنكم، فان فعلن شيئا من ذلك فاهجروهن فى المضاجع و اضربوهن ضربا غير مبرح! الاهل بلغت؟

قالوا: نعم! قال: اللهم اشهد!

And he stated: “I enjoin you to protect the women and care for them in the best way; it is because they bear too much difficulty under your control. They have nothing for them and you have taken them as the trust of Allah; and you have made them lawful for you with the permission of Allah and His Book!

You are responsible for their rights to you, you are in charge of their rights; your duty towards them is to feed them, to clothe them in the proper way and provide them in the pleasant manner. And it is your right that they must invite the strangers in their privacies; and as they are living with you, they must not interfere in your business except with your permission.

If they have tendency doing the forbidden things, then keep away sleeping in their bedrooms, punish them but in a way that not hurting or injuring them. Now, be alert! Did I perform my mission?”

They said: ‘Yes, you did.’ So, the Holiness stated: “O my Creator! You be witness to it!”

ثم قال: فاوصيكم بمن ملكت ايمانكم فاطعموهم مما تاكلون و البسوهم مما تلبسون، و ان اذنبوا فكلوا عقوباتهم الى شراركم! الا هل بلغت؟!

قالوا: نعم! قال: اللهم اشهد.

Next he stated: “After enjoining about the women, I enjoin you concerning the male and female slaves whom you have possessed! Whatever you have let them have the same, and whatever you wear let them wear so. If they commit a crime you must not punish them by your own but let them be sentenced by the arbitrators among you! Now, have I performed my mission?” 

They answered: ‘Yes, you have.’ So, the Holiness stated: “O my Creator! You be witness to it!”

 ثم قال: ان المسلم اخو المسلم لا يغشه و لا يخونه و لا يغتابه، و لا يحل له دمه و لا شى‏ء من ماله الا بطيبة نفسه. الا هل بلغت؟!

قالوا: نعم! قال: اللهم اشهد!

Then he stated: “Every Muslim is brother for the next Muslim, so he never acts deceitfully against him, does not betray him and does not speak ill of him in his absence. He does not cause his heart to bleed, he does not devour his properties unless by his will and permission. Now be aware! And see if I have performed my mission!”

They collectively said: ‘Yes, you have.’ Thus, the Holiness said: “O my Creator! You be witness to it!”

ثم قال: ان الشيطان قد يئس ان يعبد بعد اليوم، و لكن يطاع فيما سوى ذلك من اعمالكم التى تحتقرون، فقد رضى به. الا هل بلغت؟!

قالوا: نعم! قال: اللهم اشهد!

Afterward he stated: “Indeed, from now on, Satan has become hopeless to be worshipped and praised, but he will govern those of you who are after other affairs than their dutiful affairs that you humiliate; he is satisfied with such affairs of yours! Now be aware! And see if I have performed my mission!”

They said: ‘Yes, you have.’ The Holiness said: “O my Creator! You be witness to it!”

ثم قال: اعدى الاعداء على الله قاتل غير قاتله، و ضارب غير ضاربه، و من كفر نعمة مواليه فقد كفر بما انزل الله على محمد، و من انتمى الى غير ابيه فعليه لعنة الله و الملائكة و الناس اجمعين. الا هل بلغت؟!

قالوا: نعم! قال: اللهم اشهد!

Next he stated: “The most severe enemy among the enemies of Allah is one who is the murderer of one other than his killer, and the striker other than one who has struck him: (retaliating one before being struck or attached by him). And so is the enemy of Allah one who is guilty of ingratitude against his Master or Guardian, then he has indeed disbelieved in what has been sent down to Muhammad! And so is one who takes an alien instead of his father, then the curse of Allah and the angels and all the people rest upon him. Now, be aware, have I fulfilled my propagation and delivered this subject?!”

They said: ‘Yes, you have.’ The Holiness said: “O my Creator! You be witness to it!”

ثم قال: الا انى انما امرت ان اقاتل الناس حتى يقولوا: لا اله الا الله و انى رسول الله، و اذا قالوا، عصموا منى دماءهم و اموالهم الا بحق و حسابهم على الله. الا هل بلغت؟!

قالوا: نعم. قال: اللهم اشهد!

Afterward, he stated: “Let it be known that I have been appointed by Allah to fight the people until they confess: لا اله الا الله، و محمد رسول الله and when they bear to witness to it, then their blood and properties are protected in the right way; this is quite manifest and in fact their accounts depend on Allah. Now, see if I have performed my mission!”

They all together said: ‘Yes, you have.’ Thus, the Holiness said: “O my Creator! You be witness to it!”

ثم قال: لا ترجعوا بعدى كفارا مضلين يملك بعضكم رقاب بعض. انى قد خلفت فيكم ما ان تمسكتم به لن تضلوا: كتاب الله و عترتى اهل بيتى.

الا هل بلغت؟!

قالوا: نعم! قال: اللهم اشهد!

Then, he stated: “After my demise, do not turn to disbelief, for you may become the most misleading among the creatures of Allah; and never should one of you dominate the next one and in this way, to become the ownership of the properties of the others!

I leave with you two things as the deposit, and if you take hold of them, you will never get lost: one of them is the Book of Allah, and the next is my Household who are considered as my family. Now be aware! And see if I have performed my mission!”

They said: ‘Yes, you have.’ The Holiness said: “O my Creator! You be witness to it!”

ثم قال: انكم مسؤولون، فليبلغ الشاهد منكم الغائب.‏ [28]

Thus, [in the end], he stated: “You are indeed responsible [and will be questioned about,] so let those who are present here convey my message to those who absent.”

We have extracted this noble sermon of the Holiness Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, which is delivered at Mina, from the “History of Ya‘qubi”; it is because the whole text of the sermon is in his book. And the different parts of same sermon are put in the different books, and each part is within a different narrative; we have sorted them out separately at the end of the book.

This is an eloquent and explicit sermon including the important subjects, the political laws and rules, morale social commands and jurisprudence. It can really be considered as the verses of the Holy Qur’an, and in the point of view of firmness to resort in it. How nice it would be if a detailed explanation were written to it; and then, to bring proper proofs for every single item of it from the Holy Qur’an and the immaculate Imams’ sayings and quotations and narrative. However, to explain just a tiny bit of it, we are going to make it clear to you, though it needs more than our inadequate explanation! We carry the task according to our frail knowledge and relying to Allah’s generosity to help us to fulfill our job – and we rely on Him and ask to aid us in this field.

The part we are going to explain is: يا ايها الناس انما النسى‏ء زيادة فى الكفر up to the end of the sentences that the Holiness has lectured. The kernel of the explanation of the Holiness Messenger is the subject of two verses in the Holy Qur’an.

إِنَّ عِدَّةَ الشُّهُورِ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ اثْنا عَشَرَ شَهْراً في‏ كِتابِ اللَّهِ يَوْمَ خَلَقَ السَّماواتِ وَ الْأَرْضَ مِنْها أَرْبَعَةٌ حُرُمٌ ذلِكَ الدِّينُ الْقَيِّمُ فَلا تَظْلِمُوا فيهِنَّ أَنْفُسَكُمْ وَ قاتِلُوا الْمُشْرِكينَ كَافَّةً كَما يُقاتِلُونَكُمْ كَافَّةً وَ اعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الْمُتَّقينَ
إِنَّمَا النَّسي‏ءُ زِيادَةٌ فِي الْكُفْرِ يُضَلُّ بِهِ الَّذينَ كَفَرُوا يُحِلُّونَهُ عاماً وَ يُحَرِّمُونَهُ عاماً لِيُواطِؤُا عِدَّةَ ما حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ فَيُحِلُّوا ما حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ زُيِّنَ لَهُمْ سُوءُ أَعْمالِهِمْ وَ اللَّهُ لا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْكافِرينَ

‘…Surely the number of [lunar] months, with Allah, is twelve in Allah’s Book since the day He created the heavens and the earth.

Out of them, four months are sacred; such is the established religion. So do not wrong yourselves during them but fight the idolaters to a finish, just as they fight you to a finish. And know that Allah is with the God-fearing.

The deferment [of the Sacred Months] is no more than an increase of disbelief that leads the disbelievers astray; because they permit it one year and ban it another year so they make up for any number that Allah has forbidden, and permit something Allah has forbidden.

Their evil actions seem attractive to them, thus Allah does not guide the disbelievers, (Qur’an: 9/36-37).

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[1] Surah 22, "حج", Verses 26-30.
[2] "البداية و النّهاية", volume 5, page 166.
[3] The same book page 169, and "طبقات ابن سعد", volume 2, page 173.
[4] "البداية و النّهاية", volume 5, page 169.
[5] "البداية و النّهاية", volume 5, page 169.
[6] "البداية و النّهاية", volume 5, page 170.

[7] The word ' نمِره ', is a region in Arafat that the Messenger of Allah landed there. And it is said that the way to the Holy Shrine by Taeef is lays by Arafat and stretches for 11 miles, (معجم البلدان‏); "The Dictionary of the towns".
[8] " البداية و النّهاية", volume 5, page 170. And " السيرة الحلبيّة", volume 3, page 289. And " الوفاء بأحوال المصطفى‏", volume 1, page 211.
[9]  In " السيرة الحلبيّة", volume 3, page 289 it has been related by the ibn Jouzi that: The Messenger of Allah has taking so many Hajj pilgrimages before and after being assigned as the Prophet that there are beyond being counted! It means, he had stayed in Arafat before his assignment as the prophet and from there, he had set out for Mozdalifa, and by the grace of Allah which had been honored to him, opposite the Ghuraish, because they would never go out of the Shrine but used to say: 'We are the Children of Abraham, peace be upon him, and we are the custodians of Mecca and have to seclude in it. So, none of the Arabs has the position that we have.' They believed that if they left the Shrine for Arafat, then the Arabs would humiliate them, and by that way, they would lose their respect in front of them. They kept saying: 'We are stable , dignified and brave people,' so they would like to see the Ghuraish going to Arafat, but they banned themselves to go to Arafat and from there to move to Mozdalifa.

[10] The term "قصواء ", Ghas'wa, by either way of pronunciations, but with upper vowel-sign, are correct, so the pronunciation of 'Ghos'wa' with 'O' sound, is wrong; and this camel is other than the camels: "غصباء and جَدعاء ", also some who have taken this as the proper noun have mistaken. (سيره حلبيّه‏, volume 3, page 298)

[11] Most parts of this sermon are related in the "Complete History" volume 2, page 302.
[12] It has been related in " سيره ابن هشام‏", volume 4, page 1023: "كتاب الله و سنّة نبيّه‏". And in "تاريخ يعقوبى‏", (The History of Ya'qubi, Beirut publication 1379, volume 2, page 111, however, at the end, all this part has been wiped out; and has been altered, tampered in "سيره ابن هشام‏".

[13] "البداية و النّهاية", volume 5, page 170. And "سيره ابن هشام‏", volume 4, pages 1022, and 1023, and "سيره حلبيّه‏", volume 3, pages 298 and 299, and "بحار الانوار", publication of Kompany , volume 6, page 668, extracted from the book of "منتقى‏". And "روضة الصّفاء", volume 2, the Farewell Pilgrimage; and "تاريخ طبرى‏", (The History of Tabari), volume 3, pages 150 and 151, from the second publication of "Dar-ul-Moaarif", and "الوفاء بأحوال المصطفى‏", volume 1, page 212, and "الكامل فى التاريخ‏", volume 2, page 302. And he has mentioned Muhammad Hussein Heikal in the book of "حياة محمّد" (The Life of Muhammad), from the page 461 to 463.

[14] As it goes in Arabic: "ضَرْباً غَيْرَ مُبَرِّحِ: بَرَّحَ به الامْرُ: أتعبه و جَهد و أذاه أذىّ شَديدا".

[15]  “البداية و النّهاية”, volume 5, page 171; and “سيره حلبيّه‏” volume 2, page 299. And “سيره حلبيّه‏”, volume 3, page 300, and "طبقات ابن سعد", volume 2, page 183.

[16] A good witness to this meaning is a phrase in "طبقات ابن سعد", volume 3, page 183 that has mentioned the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, has stated in the sermon:

إنَّ الله فَسَّم لكُلِّ إنسانِ نصيبّة من الميراث، فلا يَجوزُ لوارثِ وصيَّة

'Indeed Allah has assigned for everyone a share from the heritage is left behind, therefore, it is not necessary for anyone to to write his will for a certain heir, because it damages the heritages of the other heirs. However, if a will does not damage their rights there is no problem to assign one third of his wealth as a will.

[17] "البداية و النّهاية", volume 5, page 171, and "سيره حلبيّه‏", volume 2, page 299.

[18] "البداية و النّهاية", volume 5, page 172.

[19] "سيره حلبيّه‏", volume 3, page 300, and "البداية و النّهاية", volume 5, from page 173 -175.

[20] "سيره حلبيّه‏", volume 3, page 300, and "البداية و النّهاية", volume 5, from page 173 -175.

[21] "سيره حلبيّه‏", volume 3, page 301 And the reason for their urinating was that in old time they carved the idols out of that mountain.

[22] "البداية و النّهاية", volume 5, page 180.

[23] "سيره حلبيّه‏", volume 3, page 301.

[24] The term "بغله شهبائی", is a title given to a white mule with small black spots on the body.
[25] "سيره حلبيّه‏", volume 3, page 302.
[26] "البداية و النّهاية", volume 5, page 199, it is also in another narrative that he has related in page 198.
[27] These items of the sermon have been explained in Sheikh Mofid's "مجالس‏", the printing of Najaf, in pages 100 and 101, and there, instead of the term: " نَصَّر الله‏", "نَصر الله‏", has been used. And he has mentioned the sentence: وَ النَّصِيحَة لائِمَة المُسْلِمِينَ و اللّزوم لجماعتهم‏; and he has ended up the sentence with " المؤمنون إخوة، تَتَكافى دِمائُهُمْ وَ هُم يَدٌ وَاحِدٌ عَلى مَن سِواهُم؛ يَسْعَى بِذِمَّتِهِمْ أدْنَاهُم‏". However, as he has quoted "تحف العقول‏", page 42 he has mentioned it "نَضَر" in "روضه بحار", Kompany's printing, volume 17. The, in the literally printing, volume 77, page 146 'تحف العقول‏',it has been " نَضَّر", with stress on the middle letter of "نَض". And he has mentioned it as "نَضَّر" in Kompany's printing, volume 15, part two, page 85 from Sadough's " اكمال الدّين‏", however the meaning is similar to Mofid's explanation, but only some words differ. Also Mohaddith Ghumi has quoted the Messenger of Allah [lecturing] in the Mosque of Khif in his " تتمّة المنتهى‏", page 153; it is same as " اكمال الدين‏".And in the commentary of " فى ظلال القرآن‏", page 125, first part from Imam Hanbal, this statement " المُسْلِمُونَ تَتَكافَا دِمَاؤهم وَ هُم يَدٌ عَلَى مَن سِوَاهُمْ يَسْعَى بِذِمَّتِهِمْ أدْنَاهُم‏" has been quoted from the Messenger of Allah, bless be to him and his Descendant. Anyhow, the meaning of these items are that: The believers are all brothers to one another, and their blood is worth the same, and all Muslims are united to defend themselves; just few of them can cope and solve the problems of all Muslims. In " مجمع البحرين‏", it has been mentioned concerning the narrative " ذِمّة المسلمين وَاحِدَة يَسْعَى بها أدناهُم‏", that when the Holiness Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, was asked about its meaning, he answered: 'If an army of the Muslims besiege a disbelieving tribe , and then one of them get closer and ask to see the chief of the army to speak to him, he must be given occasion by any mean man among the army – it is incumbent upon every single man to give him security…And on this base, Zeinab, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, bless be upon him and his Descendants, gave asylum to her disbelieving husband, Abu-al-Aas, when he returned to Medina: (refer to Zeinab, the hero of Karbala, author: Doctor Bent-ash-Shati).

[28] "تاريخ يعقوبى‏" 'The History of Ya'qubi', Beirut printing, 1379 of the Immigration year, volume 2, pages 209-212. And this narrative has been related with a little differences in the phrases, in "تفسير الدّرّ المنثور", volume 3, pages 234 and 235, from the extraction of Ahmad Hanbal and a part of ibn Mardoweiia from Abu Hamzah Raghashi quoting his uncle who was of the companions, and camel-driver of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, has related it; and the original copy of this narrative is in the " مسند" of Ahmad Hanbal, volume 5, page 73. And Majlisi has related it in " بحار الانوار", Kompany's printing, volume 6, pages 662 and 663, quoting " كافى‏". And it has been mentioned in " سيره ابن هشام‏", volume 4, pages 1022 to 1024, but the phrase: " كتاب الله و عترة نبيّه‏" has been altered to " كتاب الله و سنّة نبيّه‏". Similarly it has been brought in " البداية و النّهاية", volume 5, pages 194-201, but by means of a few documents. Beihaghi too has brought it in " سنن‏", volume 5, the part of pilgrimage, page 140. And ibn Jouzi has related it in the book: " الوفاء بأحوال المصطفى‏", volume 1, pages 207 and 208. And then, ibn Sa'd has explained it in " طبقات‏", volume 2, pages 183 to 187. And it has been put in " روضة الصّفا", ,volume 2, the section of the Farewell Pilgrimage. And " تفسير علىّ بن ابراهيم‏", has added it under the verse: " يأيُّهَا الَّذِينَ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ مِن رَبِّك‏", from page 159 to 161. And also Tabary has related it in " تاريخ الامم و الملوك‏", volume 3, pages 150 to 152; and Jahiz too has brought it in " البيان و التبين‏", Caro Printing, year 1367, in the second volume, pages 31-33.

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