In the Name of Allah the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
Collected Works of The Muslim Shiite Scholar and Thinker: Allāma Hājj Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husaynī Tihrānī
The Eight Volume
(GHADIR: 3- Comment on the Verse the Completion of the Religion – the Usurp of the Caliphate)
The commentary detailed discussion, narrative and historical concerning the verse:… الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ
The narratives of the Shiite scholars and the great scholars of the Sunnite concerning the revelation of the verse completion of the religion
To prove the invalidity of the revelation of the verse on the Day of Arafa and acknowledging its revelation on the Day of Ghadir
The disasters that the Holinesses Fatima-tuz-Zahra and the Holiness Master of the martyrs, Upon Him be Peace, went through on the Day of Saghifa
Taking the lead before the Commands of Allah and His Messenger is the sign of retardation
Commenting some of the verses of the Generous Qur'an concerning the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace
The Sunnite historians, commentators and narrators that congratulated the Sheikhs (Abu Bakr and Omar); and their confession to the Guardianship of Ali, Upon Him be Peace, that they have mentioned
Answering the questions of the usurpers of the Caliphate that they have propounded against the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace
"The Commander of the believers" is a particular title of Ali, Upon Him be Peace
The Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace, similar to the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, was interested in guiding the people
The confession of Omar that the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace, was more rightful for the position of the Caliphate
The chosen Caliphs after the Messenger of Allah are condemned in the court of history
The sermons of the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace, in the necessity of the Caliphate in his blissful personality
The separation of the religion from the politics is the most acute weapon of the colonizing governments to do away with the divine religions, right and justice; similar to Omar's separating the prophet-hood from the Caliphate and the statesmanship
Ali bin Abī Tālib, the Commander of the Believers, Upon Him be Peace, is the standard of the Goodness and Ugliness
The narratives from the Sunnite and Shiite in testing the people for the Guardianship
The argument of the respectable companions of the Messenger of Allah with Abu Bakr in the Mosque of the Messenger
To Obtain the Greatest Wishes, All People Must Struggle for the Chairmanship of the Commander of the Believers
Leaving the affairs with the most learned and the clear-sighted people is necessary
Omar disguised his innovations with the religious coloring
Omar sketched the plan of the council in a way that Caliphate received the Caliphate
Omar sacrificed the true Islam for the glory of the Arabs
Mua‘wiyah changed the Prophet-hood of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, into the Monarchy
The practical rising of the Master of the martyrs, and the scientific rising of the Holiness Imam Sādiq, Upon Him be Peace, to help Islam
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Table of Contents
The narratives of ibn Shahr Aashub about the verse: الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ
Tahir and Homairi's poems concerning the verse: الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ
The narratives witnessing the revelation of the verse: الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُم
The narratives of Khatib Baghdadi and ibn Asakar and ibn Mardowiia about the verse of completion of the religion
The narratives of ibn Moghazeli and Hammuee concerning the verse the completion of the religion and the fulfillment of the blessing
The narratives of Sibt ibn Juzi and Sayyid Razi concerning the verse the completion of the religion and the fulfillment of the blessing
People have acted upon four things but have forgotten the Guardianship
The Sunnite always say: the religious completion verse had been revealed on the Day of Arafa
The lack of the revelation of the verse الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُم on the Day of Arafa
The comparative statement in the verse: الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُم
What is the purpose of الْيَوْمَ in the blissful verse?
Benefitting the meaning of الْيَوْمَfrom the verse: الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُم
The meaning of "fearing Allah" being afraid of the position of the Guardianship
The difference of "Perfection" and "Completion" in the "Perfection of religion" and "Completion of Blessings"
The purpose of blessing is the Guardianship
The verse of the completion of the religion is of the true copies of: وعدالله الذین آمنوا منکم
The meaning of الْيَوْمَ in the verse of الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُم is the Day of Ghadir
The revelation of the verse of the completion of religion may be on the Day of Arafa but its propagation be on the Day of Ghadir
The Jews' statement that: if the completion verse had revealed to us, we would calibrate on that day
Rejecting the statements of the Sheikhs saying: the completion of the religion requires deficiency of the religion
The completion of the religion and all blessing are not perishable
The occurring of the completion verse, among the prohibited verses, is a strange thing taking place
The verse of perfection of the religion and the fulfillment of blessing have their own independent meaning and containing
The elegy of Molla Ali attributing the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace,
The poems of Abu Bakr ibn Ghoraia about the afflictions of the Holiness Master of the martyrs, upon Him be Peace, happened him on the Day of Saghifa
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The elegies of ibn Hammad Abdi on the lack of the permission of the choice of the Imam
The discussion of the Shiite and Sunnite on the necessity of the Caliphate
The subjects on the virtues of ibn Shahr Aashub concerning the congratulations of the two Sheikhs
The poems of Sayyid Hamyari on the congratulations of the two Sheikhs
The issuing narratives on none-condescend of the Quraish to the Guardianship and The statement of the opponents of the Guardianship at the time of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants,
The translation of some of the verses of the Qur'an concerning the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace
The elegies that are used by the opponents that: 'We will not let Ali have the Guardianship,'
On the Day of Resurrection, the Lizard is the companion of those who have denied Ali bin Abī Tālib
Omar and Abu Bakr's congratulation and confession to the Guardianship of Ali bin Abī Tālib, Upon Him be Peace
The great scholars of the Sunnite who have congratulated the two Sheikhs
The claim of the author of " تفسیر المنار" that the Sunnite have the Guardianship
Taking the vote secretly in Saghifa was a trick; it was obviously void of truth
They put the Commander of the believers aside only because of his being young
Rejecting that Ali bin Abī Tālib, Upon Him be Peace, was too young
The clear statement of the Messenger of Allah that Ali bin Abī Tālib was the Commander of the believers
The Commander of the believers is the specific tile for Ali bin Abī Tālib
The objection of Barida Aslami concerning the Caliphate of Abu Bakr
Every nation that trusts his affairs to the non-learned one falls
The Commander of the believers, like the Messenger of Allah, was interested in guiding the nation
The generous Prophet, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, was eager in guiding the people
The sermon of the Commander of the believers, after the demise of the Messenger of Allah, in the response of Abbas and Abu Sofyan
The sermon of Shaghshagheiia of the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace, at the time of his Caliphate
The statement of Omar at the Saghifa Bani Saeeda on the necessity of the unity of the prophet-hood and Caliphate in one occasion
The statement of Abu Bakr that the Prophet-hood and Caliphate cannot be in a single household
The absolute respond of ibn Abbas to Omar concerning the lack of unity between the Prophet-hood and Caliphate
The purpose of Omar by saying nonsense to the Messenger of Allah was to raise a raw and tumult
Omar's confession that the Commander of the believers was right to take the Caliphate
The chosen Caliphs, after the Messenger of Allah, are condemned in the court of the history
The wisdom's command to the invalidity of the necessity of the lack of unity between the prophet-hood and caliphate in a single household
The mass uprising to the lack of the prophet-hood and caliphate in a single household
The separation of the prophet-hood, caliphate and the governing is the separation of the religion from the politics
The separation of the religion from the politics is against the necessity of Islam
The words of "روحانی", "روحانیّت", (spitrual & spirtuality) does not exist in Islam and they are terms of the Christianity.
The story of Abu Bakr and the quality of his taking the allegiance, and putting aside the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace
Abu Bakr and Omar's meeting ibn Abbas and promising him a share in the Caliphate
Sending out those who had taken sanctuary in the house of Fatima, Upon Her be Peace
The narratives that have been related by the Sunnite and Shiite on testing the people for the Guardianship
In the commentary of أَحَسِبَ النَّاسُ أَنْ يُتْرَكُوا أَنْ يَقُولُوا آمَنَّا وَهُمْ لا يُفْتَنُونَ is a test concerning the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace
The companions of the Messenger of Allah coming together in the Mosque of the Messenger of Allah and arguing with Abu Bakr
Khalid bin Saeed bin Aas arguing with Abu Bakr about the previous records of the Commander of the believers, Upon him be Peace
The argument of Abuzar Ghaffari with Abu Bakr and his companions in the Mosque of the Messenger
The argument of Salman Farsi and Mighdad bin Aswad with Abu Bakr in the mosque
The argument of Ammar Yasir and Ghais bin Sa‘d Obada with Abu Bakr in the mosque
The argument of Khozaimaand Obeib bin Ka'b and Sahl bin Hanif with Abu Bakr in the mosque
The argument of ibn Taihan and Abu Ayyub Ansari with Abu Bakr in the mosque
Not permitting to fight with swords after the demise of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants
Twelve great men of the Immigrants and the Helpers denied Abu Bakr in the mosque
From the beginning of Abu Bakr's caliphate, Ali's party called him as a usurp
The word of ibn Khaldoun in the beginning of the Shiite government and soon after the demise of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants
The statement of Masoudi, when backing the scholars of the Shiite, concerning the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace
Omar and Abu Bakr were under the banner of Osama, and Osama was their Emir
The objection of Osamat bin Zaid and Abu Ghahafa to his son Abu Bakr while a Caliph
With such conditions that Omar set up, the Caliphate would never turn to the Commander of the believers' benefit
At the time of Omar it was obvious that Othman would become a Caliph
Omar strengthened Bani Omayyad against Bani Hashim
For strengthening Othman, Mua‘wiyah really frightened the Immigrants
Omar cannot bear the statement of the Commander of the believers
The plan of Counsel and how to put aside Commander of the believers had already been sketched
The council which is set up under the direct dominion of Omar, is not a council but is absolute despotism
Mua‘wiyah's discussion with Zeiad bin Hasin about the difference of the Muslims
The statement of Ghazali about the Ghadir and the deviation of the chosen Caliphs
Those among the great Shiite and Sunnite who know the secret of the worlds from Ghazali
The Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace, rejects the tradition of the Sheikhs
The abstention of the man of Khothami unless it was like the Sheikhs' Sheikhs' traditions
The letters of ten companions of the Messenger of Allah to Othman concerning his aggression
Othman and his companions' beating up and tearing Ammar Yasir's stomach
The sermon of the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace, on changing the wrong traditions
Mua‘wiyah says, 'I will not rest until I bring down the name of Muhammad from the top of the minarets and burry them
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